Hallowmas is here!

thank you for saying “5 days” I’d asked earlier, and worried when I was left in the dark.

I’ve got about 9 more confessions to make and then it’s time to consign/bury/betray about 120 or so of them. Hope it feels less grindy then. My connected revolutionaries is almost 100 now!

Phew, done. I’ve accepted all confession requests, and suddenly I feel I can breathe again after all this rush. I can manage my own requests at a much more leisurely pace, provided that people actually accept them; I know we have another five days, and I’m sure most people will eventually come round to doing it, but I’m still a little anxious about it. Even if everyone accepts, my numbers don’t allow me to bury or betray (after agreement, of course) more than 40 confessions before I fall below 500 Spirit of Hallowmas.

In the meantime, I suppose I can continue tinkering with my spreadsheet, which I’ve been refining for days and now has all sorts of nice little counters and indicators. (Example statistic: out of 123 incoming requests, 79 were for Whimsy, 30 for Pride and 14 for more trivial transgressions. Considering that I had signed up for “any type”, this should be fairly random as a sample.)

It would probably be best not to do any Betraying until you’ve already got your 500. 40 No replies seems like a possibility. Plenty of folks bit off more than they could chew.
Plus, if you betray folks, you can’t eat thier Confessions next year for that sweet, sweet 6 points of Spirit for 1 action.

I found I was more conservative in my Confession sending than I thought. Looks like I’m going to have all weekend to leisurely build up Menaces with Last Hopes. Better that then madly scrambling to accept all Confessions Sunday night. I get the since I’m going to have to do a lot of consigning well into the evening.

Does it matter if I consign or bury a confession for devouring them next year?

You can consign only PoSI confessions while you can bury any confessions. Consigning is more valuable in terms of Spirit and echo value but burying gives you scraps.

OK, I’m confused. My alt is a non-POSI with all menaces above 3, confessions at 2, and spirit at 36. I have more confessions to accept in my message box, but all of them give me the error that I don’t have the qualities necessary for that action. What am I missing???

It’s possible that these are duplicate requests from people who sent them by accident. If you had already accepted the original requests you can’t then accept the duplicate

How has everyone finished confessions so fast? I can only manage ~10 a day.

Also for some reason, I can’t accept any errors of whimsy confessions. I haven’t confessed to them before and Scandal and Suspicion are at 4. So what am I missing?

It’s possible the duplicate was of Pride, though. So person X sends you a Pride request and sometime later a Whimsy request. You confess Pride, which sets your Trust: X to 2. Then when you come to X’s Whimsy confession you can’t accept it.

That doesn’t necessarily explain why you can’t accept any Whimsy requests though, of course…

100 actions a day. Average, say, 4 actions to build up the menace to accept the action and 1 to accept. That’s 20 a day.
Some people, like me, had tooth surgery issues so stayed up for 48 hours due to the pain. That really helped my action total but really made my life kind of a nightmare.

True, but Jack only has 2 confessions total, and I’ve checked that they’re not duplicates of the other two.

100 actions a day. Average, say, 4 actions to build up the menace to accept the action and 1 to accept. That’s 20 a day.
Some people, like me, had tooth surgery issues so stayed up for 48 hours due to the pain. That really helped my action total but really made my life kind of a nightmare.[/quote]

What are you using to build up menaces that quickly?

True, but Jack only has 2 confessions total, and I’ve checked that they’re not duplicates of the other two.[/quote]

You should be checking against the 36 confessions (assuming 1 per spirit) that you have given, though. Not the 2 confessions that you have taken. The requests in your inbox that you are accepting are the requests for you to give confessions.

Whimsy is 1 dupe for 3 scandal; put on a pirate hat and give 2 Public Lectures in the forgotten quarter for Suspicion. Then 1 action to accept = 4 actions.

Pride - have wounds at 3; then get someone to poison you; put on a Sporing Bonnet to get to Nightmares 1 + 1 then pat a Starveling Cat twice. Using this method every now and again you do not need to be poisoned as the cat does increase wounds as well.
edited by reveurciel on 11/4/2015

I failed to realize the difference between a Giggling Mandrake and the Deshrieked that is sold at the Bazaar, so I’m only getting about 13-15 Confessions ground out per day. Have 40ish left, should be done accepting all confessions by Friday at this rate. Which is nice.

Hoping the rest of my outstanding requests will get filled. If even half are, it appears I will have accidentally gotten 500 Spirit, which I never intended to do…
edited by Toran on 11/4/2015

For anyone interested, I’ve reached 1000 Spirit.

(Since this image will eventually expire, if you’re looking at this a few months from now and want to see, message me for the image)
Or you can view it on my profile which you can find via my signature.

It’s important to note that I would not have been able to do this without the help of the Starveling Café and its patrons (I’ve sent out 74 unique cats so far! And I hope just one more person needs one for confessions…). I’ve also recieved a total of 267 confession requests, and I hope I can accept 200 of them by consigning closing. There’s a few non-PoSI confessions in there, so if I’m lucky I might be able to accept 220 or something, so it’s not like I’m reaching this solely on the backs of others.

Duplicitous social actions like duping and poisoning are helpful in this regard. A thread has been set up in which people coordinate sending and receiving these actions: http://community.failbettergames.com/topic20921-hallowmas-idea-get-your-poison-here.aspx

The combination of poisoning, a starveling cat, and a sporing bonnet is especially quick. You must start off at 3 wounds (which you can acquire however you like, including via the starveling cat.)

[0 actions] Take off bonnet and put it back on: now at 1+1 nightmares.
[2 actions] Pet your cat twice: now at 2+1 nightmares, and you’ve also gained 2 CP of wounds.
[1 action] Accept a poisoning, for 10 CP of wounds (total 12).

With three actions, you have gained enough nightmares and wounds for one confession. Also, as you gain a total of 12 CP of wounds, but each confession only removes 10, you only need to accept 5 poisonings for every six confessions of pride. That’s 2.83 actions to raise menaces per confession of pride.

In terms of whimsy, taking off and putting on a pirate’s hat puts you at 1+1 suspicion. Two successes or one failure at &quotReaping the Academic Benefits&quot in the Forgotten Quarter will bring that up to 2+1. Then one action to accept a Dupe request will take care of your scandal. That’s three actions to raise enough menace for your confession of whimsy. If you fail &quotReaping the Academic Benefits&quot frequently, this gets even quicker.

Overall, then, if you coordinate with others, Pride confessions are slightly quicker (assuming no failures at &quotReaping the Academic Benefits&quot). However, I think that Whimsy is better overall, since each &quotReaping the Academic Benefits&quot success will give you 15CP of Revolutionaries, Society, and Bohemian connections.

Edit: I took too long to explain this, whoops. :)
edited by Zareen Bakara on 11/4/2015

[quote=lady ciel ]Whimsy is 1 dupe for 3 scandal; put on a pirate hat and give 2 Public Lectures in the forgotten quarter for Suspicion. Then 1 action to accept = 4 actions.

Pride - have wounds at 3; then get someone to poison you; put on a Sporing Bonnet to get to Nightmares 1 + 1 then pat a Starveling Cat twice. Using this method every now and again you do not need to be poisoned as the cat does increase wounds as well.
edited by reveurciel on 11/4/2015[/quote]
Is there a topic where I can request to be poisoned/duped? Because that’d really help me right now.

Cecil. Whoa. Congratulations. (No “perhaps” about it!)