Hallowmas: Confession Trading

Seems like everyone are in need of bloodshed.

Well, me too! Willing to trade 2 Curiosity for 2 Violence.

‘In the event of unscheduled overflow, fly from London. The air is the only refuge; glide until the lacre subsides.’
edited by Dunecat on 11/4/2018

Den Blackwell is still looking for Violence and Pride, in exchange for Guile.

Got lucky to today… and bloody.

Trade made, thank you!
edited by Lemonadeon on 11/1/2018

I also need a confession of pride and one of violence. I only have Guile and Curiosity

edited by john sledge on 11/1/2018

I need Violence, as much as possible.

Willing to trade Guile, Pride, Curiosity, Impropriety, and Whimsy.

Looking for Violence and Pride, offering Gulie and Impropriety

Need: Violence (surprise!)
Offering: Any other

I’ll need at least one more Violence for a companion upgrade, but on the off chance I get two offers I’ll probably accept the second as well. It may simply change what confessions I’ll be able to offer in return.


Seeking Violence or Whimsy.
Have Curiousity, Guile, Impropriety.

In need of: Whimsy.
On offer: Curiosity, Guile.

Edit: Traded!
edited by PSGarak on 11/1/2018

Need: Violence
Have: Pride, Whimsy

I need violence and pride.
I have 2 curiosity.

Still need violence, have 3 gulie, 2 impropriety

Need: Violence (common trend)
Have: Impropriety (3), guile, pride (2)
edited by Jack_Smythe on 11/2/2018
edited by Jack_Smythe on 11/2/2018

1 Whimsy still available, 1 Guile also; need Pride

Thanks, Kharsitt Lynx, a pleasure doing business with you!
edited by Meradine Heidenreich on 11/2/2018

Offer sent.

Looking for a couple of impropriety and violence confessions (2 each).

Have a plethora of everything else. Any offers welcome.

Edit: have impropriety now, thanks all.
edited by Arcengal on 11/2/2018

Arandia is offering impropriety. Looking for violence.

Oh dear, this sentence does sound rather improper indeed.

I have both Whimsy and Violence.
I require either Improprierity or Whimsy.

I need a confession of curiosity, and can offer a confession of pride for it.