Gift of Fate - 10 Fate option gone?

That’s…weird. I guess there’s a reason though, even if we can’t see it.

Maybe in case of people using the occasional Fate-gifts from surveys to buy EF subscriptions and sending fateboxes? it’d be a hell of a long con, though

I won’t lie, I may have dabbled in such myself. Certainly my alts are all respectable parts of my retinue now but back when they had enough fate for a transfer I sent them all to my main character. I know this may seem harsh but I for one approve of anything a game company does to ensure a fair and equitable system. Rpg players are the kind of people who will pull at every loose-end for an advantage, and we are only happy when our efforts don’t break the game.

So I’m delighted to see the guys on top looking out for Fallen London.
edited by Owen Wulf on 11/3/2013

I’m less aghast at the transferring Fate to a main account than I am pledging it to a kickstarter. It’s like… illegally downloading a single music track versus setting up a fraud scheme. Both are wrong, but one of them is kind of an ‘Oh, you. ಠ_ಠ’ and one of them is a ‘You did what?!’ I can definitely see why Failbetter grudgingly tolerated the first and shut down things upon the second; that was when things were clearly getting out of hand, and if it let them close up a previous loophole, well, the loophole was never supposed to exist to begin with, no matter how useful it was to players while it lasted.

I mean, let’s face it. Players like to fish around for exploits in the system. We look for glitches and loopholes - for gain or for simple amusement. But using such a thing to directly cheat the developers out of money by giving false funds is wrong.

I’m not against alt-socialing for things like pass the cat or menace reduction, but I don’t participate in any of the surveys for fate on alts. The fate is a thank you for helping with things like demographic data. Taking the survey multiple times across different accounts is giving false data and taking the handout reward. It’s the type of abuse that could lead to the discontinuation of small fate rewards altogether.
edited by Theus on 11/3/2013

Just saw the 10 Fate option (still locked with Impossible, like it’s big brother) on the card today.

Is it coming back?

Can anyone think of a reason that the old problems would no longer apply?

Note currently there is no free Fate sources in the game as recently announced so the original problem (make Alts for Fate) is moot.
I suspect there’s a new problem which is even worse because of mobile syncing.

Oh wow, really?

I had not noticed the removal of free fate. That does explain it.

Not so. Cheesemonger storyline still gives 2 points of free fate.

Mind, the amount of time you’d spent to grind ten free fate would be…extreme.

There’s still some free Fate in the game (Cheesemonger, Face-tailor), but I think it amounts to less than 10.

Re: Free Fate being removed

And it’s a bit more than 10, I think.

That’s really funny cos only yesterday my alt got 2 Fate from the Face-tailor story!

Edit: Ah, I now see that it’s been removed. Hope they don’t forget to put it back later… :/
edited by phryne on 8/11/2016