"Functionary at Risk," How bad can it be?

It currently appears, the Dangerous check don’t seems like anything I have high chance to success any soon, and it says &quotFailure could be most unfortunate for the Functionary.&quot
That make me think how bad will it be, anyone can give hints about should I risk it or just wait until I have good enough chance before try at all?

You have been warned - so why risk it?

That don’t seems to by anything I can slove soon, but it also can’t be discarded.
So it matters if it is “really that bad” or “not that bad.”
If the answer is “Really that bad” then I will leave it alone for a while, and now it sounds like it is that bad.

You can always forcibly discard it by going to a special area… Does that work?
edited by The-Gentlemen on 5/22/2015

[quote=ruby]That don’t seems to by anything I can slove soon, but it also can’t be discarded.
So it matters if it is &quotreally that bad&quot or &quotnot that bad.&quot
If the answer is &quotReally that bad&quot then I will leave it alone for a while, and now it sounds like it is that bad.[/quote]

I can’t give you a proper answer because I didn’t fail it, but there is a Fate option for restarting the conversation just because you offended him - presumably getting him in trouble with special game warning upfront will be worse.

Thanks for both advice.

I didn’t try the special area way, I guess it will work, but it will come back somehow, so I will just leave it alone for a while untill I can slove it or I need to drop my hand.

Yea, I guess something one would regret likely ahead… Better prepare more.

I did encourge him to do something we both think right to do, so he assume that I will on his side when the trouble comes.
Luckly he seems good enough to stand as I take my time prepare to help :P
edited by ruby on 5/22/2015

If you have Hard-Earned Lessons to burn you could always use the Second Chance trick. Check the box to use a Second Chance item, and if you fail hit Perhaps Not. You’ll use up the item and an action, but you’ll keep the card and avoid negative consequences for failure.

Place a second-chance next to the bet
Turn out acting like a pro

Thanks for the help guys