Free Jewels to a Good Home

I would be more than happy to receive surplus jewels for a Bejeweled Cane, and I promise to pay it forward.

An update on jewels: You can now gain them as a lower-levelled character as well, on the Pickpocket’s Promenade in the Alleys of Spite. (You need 20 miscellaniums)
I will obviously also send out some of my excess ones, of course.

Added Krawald

Janice seems to black out the Add friends list for me - Do you know if this happens when other people add you as well?
It’s possible it’ll wear off and it’s possible you might circumnavigate it by changing SN name or so. The issue has been solved before.

[quote=Aximillio] Janice seems to black out the Add friends list for me - Do you know if this happens when other people add you as well?
It’s possible it’ll wear off and it’s possible you might circumnavigate it by changing SN name or so. The issue has been solved before.[/quote]

I ran into the same problem with that name.

I can now add Janice. May I ask whether you did anything so we can pass the info on?

Ahem, excuse me. I’m not sure how to put this eloquently, but did someone drunkenly pass me a pouch of gemstones yesterday??

Either way, I thank you, anonymous donor guy…gal…thing! :)

I’d like to know the identity of my gift sender, so drop me a note here or through PM if you wish. Social actions are still wonky; I usually can’t see a sender’s name. Unless you want to stay anonymous for social actions, sign your name in the message box.

Alice, Corentin, Aximillio: I would give your jewels a very good home. I would appreciate any you send, and please let me know if I can do anything in return. I changed my username so it doesn’t black out the list — it’s now Danae.

Pleased though I was to see that my faith in the seemingly insatiable Lapidary was not entirely misplaced, her final request has been a bit cruel in its specificity. I have more than enough sparkling sapphires and diamonds for her project - my partner is not the only keen-eyed denizen of Fallen London - but, alas, the rubies she requests are beyond my current abilities to obtain! Having invested a fair sum into this project, and thus being eager to see its conclusion, I would be grateful if a kind (and affluent) soul might be willing to make a gift of jewels.

I do not lack a spirit of reciprocity, and would be happy to help such a generous donor in what little ways I can. And, of course, when my own stature increases and jewels become more obtainable, I intend to pass some on to those in my current position!
edited by Arcallian on 4/17/2013

Actually, you can earn Venom-Rubies at a low level now. In the Alleys of Spite you’ll find the Pickpocket’s Promenade, and if you earn 20 trophies you’ll get 6 of them (plus others).

Somebody remind me to stop back by this thread when I’m not out and about on the Unterzee. I’ve got surplus gems as well.
edited by Playersideblog on 4/17/2013

Ah, thanks for letting me know about that! I suppose I’ll be returning to dear old Spite, then.

Gimme! (Selenia Winthrop)

All of these threads you’ve brought back are years old. They aren’t really relevant any more.
Also for scandal, your best bet is probably going to church in your lodgings.