FOUND: Fallen London

[quote=Ian Welsh]wow, still not working through my ISPs DNS server – still getting down for service page… Remarkable. Remarkable is not, umm, a synonym for good, in this case. I am reluctant to mess with my IP addresses.

Y’know, I’ve bought $100 bucks worth of Nex is the past month and a half. Just sayin’.
edited by Ian Welsh on 6/25/2013[/quote]
If you don’t want to fiddle with your ISP, have you tried resetting your DNS instead? I found that worked well and had no abnormal results.
Then, once my ISP updated to recognize Story Nexus, I reset it back to my ISP defaults.
If still insist on using your ISP’s DNS then there is very little anyone at FBG can do until your ISP decides to update it’s DNS settings. You could always call your ISP and ask them to update it, but I don’t know how effective that would be.

I think resetting your DNS temporarily until your ISP updates it’s info is the way to go. There really isn’t anything else anyone can do for you until then regardless of how much Nex you’ve bought.

This thread may be old, but it helped me deal with some connectivity issues that Failbetter’s tech support - perhaps unsurprisingly - could not help me with. Having my computer connect to Fallen London through Google’s public DNS addresses resulted in a lot less throttling.