I’d like to chime in (belatedly) on the option to reset the story. I very much appreciated this and was able to complete the story and achieve my preferred result. Thank you!
I had this started but when I went back it’s gone. How can I tell which exceptional stories are active?
Someone posted elsewhere that it’s only in Veilgarden rather than all over the shop – is that it?
Otherwise if you’re some way in, and the story has disappeared, a note to FB is your best bet.
Oh – the active ones are present everywhere in “your” Neath – usually with a little symbol on the right that tells you the story they are linked to “You unlocked this with (ES)…” . The season hub will be there as well. For example: at the moment, I am about to replay a story from the Season of Ruins, so I have that hub storylet and the storylet from the ES itself, “An Exceptional Story: Waste not, Want not”.
If you’re further along in the ES, and you are, for instance, investigating around the city, then there will be storylets in the four main locations.