February's ES: The Century Exhibition

Another option will open up in a month or so.

Very funny! I was surprised by the lighter, more comical tone this one took, given how serious the exceptional stories tend to be. While I personally like the weightier stories a little bit better, I really enjoyed the choices available, and exploring the fair was a lot of fun. I liked that you probably wouldn’t see everything either, makes different people’s play-throughs more unique, encourages sharing or replaying. The effects of the Wind of Ages were at once comical and upsetting, which is a pretty good summation of the story’s tone, I think. I never understand what everyone talks about with actions and stuff, but maybe that’s because I tend to play like 5 actions, then come back an hour later and play 5 more, etc. Plot related thoughts and critique in spoiler tags:

[spoiler]Catching the wind was such a fun romp! I loved the help you could get from the people you patronized, the choices of tools to use, the devil! OMG, is this the first time we’ve seen a really big senior one face-to-face without their paper-maché suit? All kinds of lifecycle speculation in my head now, lol. I was also totally expecting the devils’ secret invention to be something horrifying, to compliment the fun to fun-but-scary to straight-up scary direction I thought that story was going, and the subversion made me laugh. I liked the choices at the end too. Felt very &quot80s mad science movie.&quot

There were some things I feel could have be improved, though. The wind was kind of a non-presence in your attempt to gather the machines to stop it, which felt weird to me. It was in the room with you, savaging the other visitors, and I feel it could have made the experience more dynamic if your options in the forest, on the train, at the dance, etc, changed as the wind whipped through, bringing in new obstacles. I also feel like the characters could have gotten a little more love: the Fierce Botanist, the Infernal Evangelist, etc. They wouldn’t have to be the main focus, but a little more development and attachment, maybe a little more conversation when we visit them at the pavilions, would have gotten me way more invested in the story, I think. Maybe we even could have talked a little more to the prophet himself, before he died? Hmm…[/spoiler][li]
edited by Gul al-Ahlaam on 1/27/2017

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Just wait,the final part will be released sorta soon.[li]

Did anyone /not/ get the khanate favor? It seems to lock you out of some alternative option, and I’d like to know what that is.

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Was disappointed in a Personal Recommendation as a reward.

From an EpA perspective, this day was the lowest in months for me - ES or otherwise. Usually ES day is the highest EpA day of the month for me. Hopefully the end of season payout will make up for it.

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[quote=Catherine Raymond]I have finally finished this Story. It had less plot than some, but it had some marvelous jokes and turns of phrase:

[spoiler] Imagine! The Devils’ big secret invention a vacuum cleaner! And the dig at Tennyson (reading his own work) was priceless.

By the way, did anyone let the Empress take the Wind? Please PM me with the text. Both of my characters gave the Wind to other factions (my main, to Summerset, my alt to Hell), and lied about it to the Regiment.[/spoiler]

I didn’t find this story that confusing to follow, since storylets often contained text as to what you had to do to advance, and the icons representing the unlock qualities provided you with the number of the relevant Quality when you moused over them. Still, having to keep doing storylets until you reached a rather high number was tedious, so I would not rate this story as high as, say, “the 12:15 out of Moloch Station&quot.[/quote]
You should probably say “regiment”, not “Regiment”, unless you are talking about urchins. Anyways, I decided to give the Empress the Wind (since I couldn’t keep it to myself). It’s clear from the other two Exceptional Stories (not to mention Sunless Skies) that old Victoria is planning something big for the good of her city, and I’m happy to oblige her. http://fallenlondon.storynexus.com/Profile/Saklad5?fromEchoId=10929842[li]

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I liked being able to wander around the Exhibition: the mechanics really reinforced the chaotic meandering of a convention or fair, along with the sudden delight of finding something unexpected. Who could have guessed the White-and-Gold would attend‽

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Exhibitions are such a classic part of the 19th century I’m surprised we haven’t had more of them. And they are made for wandering and exploration, getting lost and trying to tease out hints of what’s going on. But despite all this hustle and bustle the narrative was satisfyingly tight, every exhibit you visited in the first half of the story had a prominent role in the second half. I had a lot of fun with this one. The Persona Engine was okay, but it’s the Moloch Express and this story that have made this season one of my favorites.

I’m rather surprised that Benthic didn’t have an exhibit, given how cutting edge they usually are. Maybe their studies are just too daring or unsafe for public display. Or maybe their excuse for a faculty was too drunk and disorganized to put one together :P Being proper and boring certainly has its advantages.

I took the liberty of copying the various Exhibit Airs. I rather liked the little descriptions, they made the Exhibit feel properly busy and gave it quite a lot of character. I liked them so much that I actually spent quite a few actions making sure I had seen them all, which was something of a first for me. Anyone who only scanned the air descriptions really missed out.


[quote=Airs of the Exhibit]A young woman’s detective camera is revealed when her pocket watch shatters on the tiled floor.

A model omnibus clatters by, reflected in the polished glass of a mirror.

A man strides by, carrying a tune on a mechanical violin. The strings gleam blue in the electric lights.

A crowd of visitors hurry by. Someone has unleashed the Automated Blemmigan Typist.

The Khanate’s flight cage has been sabotaged. Scarlet birds fly through the glassy heights of the Exhibition.

Electric lights spark violet overheard to the delight of the crowds.

A mechanical chorus of chorister puppets creaks to life. A crowd gathers to the strains of ‘The Boy I Love is Away on the Galley’.

A child is crying. Progress is not for the faint-hearted.

A cable-car disappears into the fog of the marshes. A woman offers her sweetheart some of her spun-candy.

Smoke wreathes London’s exhibits. Hell’s are haloed in flame. Summerset’s clouded with pipe smoke. The crowds pass in and out of the fog.[/quote]

[quote=Airs of the Windy Exhibit]The Gate-Prophet’s attendants have fallen to their knees, singing songs of praise. They pay no mind to how long their hair grows, nor how small their bodies.

The Devils keep in packs, and run with unnatural speed from the Wind. There is fear in their eyes.

The elderly hobble toward the Wind. They are disappointed they cannot catch it.

The Wind has made life awkward for a pair of lovers, now that one has a failing body and a lifetime of loving memories for another.

The Wind blows through a device dedicated to toasting bread, turning it to rust.

Children who know no better are playing in the Wind. Their parents shout for them to return, they sob; but they are too afraid to approach.

Young Stags dare each other to run into the Wind. For once, they seem hesitant. &quotIf only Chuffy were here!&quot one cries.

Let me know if I missed any!
edited by Anne Auclair on 1/28/2017

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OMG I missed the one with the Young Stags! I wonder where that no-good Chuffy ran off to? :D

Anyway, they’re lucky they didn’t get turned into the Old Stags :P

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My guess is that he’s spending a few days in New Newgate for a prank gone wrong. Or maybe he got mauled by a tiger.

They’d suddenly have lots of wonderful memories of some really fine dining experiences.
edited by Anne Auclair on 1/28/2017

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Having a blast with this so far.

Well you’re in luck, there’s a Rubbery exhibit at the Fair; in its appropriate place, farthest from the respectable exhibits and decent folk. It’s not exactly the kind of exhibit one would allow one’s wife or servant to visit.

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[quote=Artful]Was disappointed in a Personal Recommendation as a reward.

From an EpA perspective, this day was the lowest in months for me - ES or otherwise. Usually ES day is the highest EpA day of the month for me. Hopefully the end of season payout will make up for it.[/quote]
Odd, it was quite profiting for me. A bass skull (60 echoes), five Aeolian Screams (12.5 echoes), 10-15 incindiary gossip or equivalent (5-7.5 echoes). And that is not counting various other small things here and there. That is about 2 epa. Not too bad.

I agree with Anne that the Airs were fantastic. They really added to the mood of the story :D
edited by Akernis on 1/28/2017

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If you guessed correctly at the end who to side with, you got a 60+ reward item (2 out of 3 choices). If not, you got a 6 echo reward. If I was not a stat capped PoSI, the Personal Recommendation would be useful. As it is, I do not know of a guaranteed way to turn a PR into 60 echos. Maybe once Society converts to Favours the private Auction could be profitable, but it is not right now

If you guessed correctly at the end who to side with, you got a 60+ reward item (2 out of 3 choices). If not, you got a 6 echo reward. If I was not a stat capped PoSI, the Personal Recommendation would be useful. As it is, I do not know of a guaranteed way to turn a PR into 60 echos. Maybe once Society converts to Favours the private Auction could be profitable, but it is not right now[/quote]
More uses for personal recommendations would be appreciated in general. I have six of the things as they’re not worth selling, but so far hanging onto them doesn’t bring much benefit. Maybe the Jenny storyline in the Feast of the Exceptional Rose will require one? Or possibly the Election Festival will have a use for them? Either would be nice.

btw, what qualities do you get if you hand the wind over to Hell or Summerset or the Empress?
edited by Anne Auclair on 1/28/2017

Did anyone just go for trying to grab the tablet from the Theif at the start?

Also, do the choices of fright, calming, and entrapment matter or affect the reward?
edited by Agent ‘Trilby’ on 1/29/2017
edited by Agent ‘Trilby’ on 1/29/2017

Hi there, I could use a bit of help as I have lost my ES path! I have been to all my areas and it is nowhere! After reading all the comments and posts here, I definitely have not finished the story by a good few actions and I would appreciate any pointers.
I got as far as…

catching the wind in the cage after collecting the three machines, (And yeah, not having any visible +CPs was really confusing at first) but then I ran out of actions so I left it for a while and when I returned I wasn’t able to find the story anywhere. I haven’t been able to get the tablet or give the wind to anyone (I think that is what is supposed to happen anyway) or anything else afterwards.

Please let me know your thoughts and any help you can offer :)

[quote=Fairchild Paris]Hi there, I could use a bit of help as I have lost my ES path! I have been to all my areas and it is nowhere! After reading all the comments and posts here, I definitely have not finished the story by a good few actions and I would appreciate any pointers.
I got as far as…

catching the wind in the cage after collecting the three machines, (And yeah, not having any visible +CPs was really confusing at first) but then I ran out of actions so I left it for a while and when I returned I wasn’t able to find the story anywhere. I haven’t been able to get the tablet or give the wind to anyone (I think that is what is supposed to happen anyway) or anything else afterwards.

Please let me know your thoughts and any help you can offer :)[/quote]
That sounds like a bug. You should contact support.

Does anyone have echoed the option for going with hell’s confinement method?
edited by Agent ‘Trilby’ on 1/29/2017

[quote=Trilby ]Does anyone have echoed the option for going with hell’s confinement method?
edited by Agent ‘Trilby’ on 1/29/2017[/quote]

Of course.

[quote=Pnakotic][quote=Trilby ]Does anyone have echoed the option for going with hell’s confinement method?
edited by Agent ‘Trilby’ on 1/29/2017[/quote]

Of course.[/quote]

Why would I not now pick the train?
I mean really?
Hells secret divice is an Avid Cleaner?
A Well Vacuum?
That’s the best hell can do?
I am very disappointed.
edited by Agent ‘Trilby’ on 1/29/2017