Fallen London's Odysseus: Weekly Snippet

So, I’ve run through the first two parts of the story, but I’m curious to see where it leads, since it seems like there may be another section that I can’t find. So far, I’ve met the man and his fiance (and broke them up). I then followed him to The House of Chimes, but after that point, it felt like I might be able to find him again to tell him what I know, but I can’t find him. Could anyone point me in the right direction?[li]

I didn’t see any content after that either. I did the opposite to you it seems, I asked her to have pity, then followed him to Chimes where there was only one open option (the other two required higher levels of Learning from the Silk-clad Expert, I didn’t know there was more to her story, is there? hopeful Because I really loved that content) anyway, I picked the only open option, and then he vanished. I had hoped the storylet would stay and let me choose something else if I found more Silk-clad content, but it didn’t :(

Hopefully this is all vague enough that I’m not breaking the rules, since this is fate-locked.

Anyway, in answer to your question, I don’t think there is any more.
edited by Inky Petrel on 3/4/2014

I do want to follow that love story all the way from the Cave. Madame Shoshana surely foresees a House of Chimes visit in my future.

I suspect that you can get different values for the silk clad expert depending on how you played her storyline. Not sure though.

My Learning from the Silk-clad Expert is at 9. I see another option for 11. Does anybody here have that value? I played Expert’s story a long time ago, so I don’t remember it well. But I don’t think there were any choices in the end that did not result in her leaving you. I am curious what people did to get 11.

It’s just a different choice. Of the two characters I have who’ve completed that story one has 9 and the other has 10.

I got 11 and can also confirm is just your final choice that give you a different level.
I have also echoed my results to my profile, take a look if you want to see someone being rude to a mariner and then proceed to being creeped out by that same mariner. I’m not going to say nothing (spoilers and fate content) but damn: The Tree of Eyes will be hopeful part of Sunless Sea.
It’s also very beautiful that some more House of Chimes story is used.

10? not 11? at 9 the expert is away from the House. At 11 she is in it. I am wondering because I do not remember there being any choices that could lead to 11. Spiders would not grow out of my eyes, so she left. Damn, I wish this could be wikied. Or for an option to replay the story.

[quote=tyrrelduckard]I got 11 and can also confirm is just your final choice that give you a different level.
I have also echoed my results to my profile, take a look if you want to see someone being rude to a mariner and then proceed to being creeped out by that same mariner. I’m not going to say nothing (spoilers and fate content) but damn: The Tree of Eyes will be hopeful part of Sunless Sea.
It’s also very beautiful that some more House of Chimes story is used.[/quote]
Where did you echo it? The text in you journal is the same one that I got at 9. &quotHe’s eager to tell you about his new correspondent.&quot and so on.

Ah ok, that makes sesne. I don’t remember the Silk story very well, I played it ages ago, I just remember really enjoying it. Glad I haven’t missed an extra step or anything :)