Fallen London: The Roleplaying Game

Great minds think alike I see. I mentioned trying to find a rule system to play Fallen London to a friend a while back and his immediate reaction was to pitch me on Blades in the Dark


The Q&A is tonight if anyone wants to come by! Itā€™s going to be on Kat Brewsterā€™s channel as Johnny sadly had to drop out, but I think a grand time will be had anyhow.


I am extremely excited about this! Iā€™ll definitely be backing this game (I have never done that before). ngl, I was shrieking with joy when I read the announcement :smiley:

Particularly looking forward to the implementation of Parabola. In my last Blades in the Dark campaign (ā€¦we seem to have a theme going on hereā€¦!) I included dream lands, some areas of which were very parabolan. Included cats/tigers and Glasswork as well, and a great time was had by all.

Been pondering whether I should put a bit of Parabola into my current Call of Cthulhu game as wellā€¦ (what can I say, Iā€™m a simple gentleperson who simply loves Dreamlands and felines).

Anyways, very much looking forward to the game, and my group would definitely be up for that experience! Particularly the Londoners ;)

(ā€¦shriek of joy)