Expert of Shadow or Persuasion Needed

Hey all, I need someone with a shadow or persuasion of at least 70 (the higher the better) to help me get some coins. Let me know if you can help and what you would like in return. It’s for the following:

                  Arrange for a theft from the Museum of Mistakes                      There's a trove of First City coins in the Museum of  Mistakes. But you'll need to expend a great many secrets to plan the  theft, and even then no ordinary thief will be able to rob that place. You'll  need to enlist the help of another player - it won't be a  straightforward task. Who do you trust? They should have Persuasive or  Shadowy at least 70.

Hi, Toby, I can help. I have Persuasion up to 80 (with items) and Shadowy 66. I was once helped with this quest and now want to help someone else in return.

Hi! Rather than start a new thread for this, I’ll just hijack the existing one. I’m at the same place and need help from a persuasive/shadowy friend for the coin theft. I’d be grateful if anyone could help out!

I’d love to. It takes a number of actions, so I could send your coins later today.

Send me the request and I’ll start the heist!

Done! Thank you so very much.

Very welcome sir. If you want to see some of the heist - I’ll echo the unique bits to my journal. :)

The deed is done and you should have a message about your coins!

I do! Thanks again. Now to find a way to dig up… thirty five more…

Look to your parcelry, James. You may find that a jocular friend was feeling particularly extravagant this morning, and has left you a small gift.
edited by The Incorrigible Raconteur on 5/27/2012

Many thanks. I am in your debt.

I’m going to continue the trend of hijacking the thread and ask if anyone could please help me in the coin theft? @aiedail
edited by Azalea Angel on 7/8/2012

If you still need someone, I can’t say i’ve done it before, but i’m game for a heist, send me the invite, otherwise @armadaos

Also you can check out the thread below, it seems a Clay-Man is giving, GIVING those coins away! A fool I say he is! but i’m sure a Marveler such as yourself can get some from him.
edited by armadaos on 7/9/2012


I am still in need of assistance! I followed you on twitter, and yet can’t seem to find you in the dropdown bar under the option for the heist. Are your persuasive or shadowy at least 70?

And I did already receive coins from the Coal-Man. Such a generous creature.

edit: my mistake, I accidently followed you from my friend’s twitter account. I’m sending the message now.
edit: Okay, I followed you from the correct account and it’s still not showing you, I’m quite confused.
edited by Azalea Angel on 7/9/2012
edited by Azalea Angel on 7/9/2012

I can help with this as well. I am @eliashelfer.

[quote=Azalea Angel]I am still in need of assistance! I followed you on twitter, and yet can’t seem to find you in the dropdown bar under the option for the heist. Are your persuasive or shadowy at least 70?

And I did already receive coins from the Coal-Man. Such a generous creature.

edit: my mistake, I accidently followed you from my friend’s twitter account. I’m sending the message now.
edit: Okay, I followed you from the correct account and it’s still not showing you, I’m quite confused.
edited by Azalea Angel on 7/9/2012
edited by Azalea Angel on 7/9/2012[/quote]

As am I, it seems I have you on my list, i’ve sent you a social action, maybe that’ll force refresh your friends list and i’ll appear (my stats are 130+). If not then perhaps you’ll find eliashelfer easier to work with…

As am I, it seems I have you on my list, i’ve sent you a social action, maybe that’ll force refresh your friends list and i’ll appear (my stats are 130+). If not then perhaps you’ll find eliashelfer easier to work with…[/quote]

Ahh do you show up as Sean R? I wasn’t expecting it to show up as that, I was looking for an armadaos. I sent the request, thank you so much.
edited by Azalea Angel on 7/10/2012

[quote=Azalea Angel]
Ahh do you show up as Sean R? I wasn’t expecting it to show up as that, I was looking for an armadaos. I sent the request, thank you so much.
edited by Azalea Angel on 7/10/2012[/quote]

Ah yes… tragic naming accident… I ponder everyday whether the fate is worth to fix my bloody name… I often forget I named myself that as well…

At any rate good sir! I’m working the heist as we speak… if all goes well, you’ll have your coins before the Masters know what hit 'em!

… I sincerely hope that at least…
edited by armadaos on 7/10/2012

Well, a trend is a trend! I also need help with a theft. The lovely Clayman was nice enough to give me my first 30. Anyone up for a little smash and grab at the museum?

By the way, I find I am becoming rather obsessed with the game and respond to all requests and invites sent.

On Twitter I am…NyteSong

Thank you so very much

[quote=NyteSong]Well, a trend is a trend! I also need help with a theft. The lovely Clayman was nice enough to give me my first 30. Anyone up for a little smash and grab at the museum?

By the way, I find I am becoming rather obsessed with the game and respond to all requests and invites sent.

On Twitter I am…NyteSong

Thank you so very much[/quote]

Sent a follow request, I can help with the robbery as soon as you accept.