Exceptional Speculation - July

News on the Twitters seems to indicate we’ll be seeing a bit of the Calendar Council in next month’s Exceptional Story?? Perhaps a bit of background on a hitherto unmentioned member, July?

Excitement abounds!
edited by The Dark Gentleman on 6/22/2015

I missed that tweet. Exciting!

This month’s exceptional story: Make a Heartless check to bring about the Liberation of Night, or a Magnanimous check to put an end to it forever!

Not that I don’t love that idea, but I highly doubt the Exceptional stories will include endgame-as-in-the-game-is-over-after-this content. Acquiring a Destiny isn’t fate-locked; it would be rather cruel to require Fate to see that destiny to its conclusion.

Then again, meeting yet another member of the Calendar Council does sound interesting. And I’m sure the Liberation of Night will be brought up in some fashion.
edited by MrUnderhill89 on 6/23/2015

Since I kind of forgot about the game for a couple of months, can I still get May’s story if I buy Exceptional Friend now?

May’s story is unavailable right now, but after 3 months it’ll become available for purchase with Fate. Not sure if that’s 3 months from the start or end of May (probably the end), but it will come back.

edited by Sara Hysaro on 6/23/2015

That sounds good enough to me - but what about June’s story? If I start on it now, but is not able to complete it, will I lose access to it when July rolls around?

Once you start an Exceptional Story you have all the time in the world to complete it. You’ll only need to wait and pay for stories you didn’t initiate before the month ended.

For clarity, &quotstart&quot in this case means both playing the teaser storylet available to everybody and the first Exceptional Friend storylet found in the House of Chimes, IIRC.

For clarity, &quotstart&quot in this case means both playing the teaser storylet available to everybody and the first Exceptional Friend storylet found in the House of Chimes, IIRC.[/quote]

[color=#0066ff]That’s right. You must play through the House of Chimes storylet to retain an Exceptional Story after the month’s end.[/color]

Thanks for confirming that. I figure being really explicit about it when the topic comes up might help avoid people thinking they’ve started the story from the teaser and then getting upset when they can’t play it down the road.