Election 1897: Virginia

A point regarding Virginia I don’t think I’ve been getting across is that her plan, to me, seems to be based around increasing the quality of souls sent to the Law Furnaces, and says nothing about the quantity. I think that this is enough. Her plan does not necessarily have to increase the number of souls sent to Hell to be beneficial to her or the Brass Embassy, only the quality, and it appears that the process of improving that quality there may be a number of beneficial knock-on effects for us, the average Londoner. London and Hellish interests seem to be curiously aligned on that point.

Essentially, while looking for a hook might be a good idea, it might also be good to consider that we have found the hook and consider it worth getting pricked.

The mayor doesn’t execute JUST their campaign promise and nothing more, though. Virginia might set up her sanitarium, and run it well. She has, after all, a reason to follow on her campaign promise. What about everything else? First, we signal to everyone that Devils are fine and good. Their public image changes. They become the establishment, trustworthy, high society even. So yes, I would say the quantity of souls sold, will go up.
And second, we will have a DEVIL as a mayor. Are we to believe that Virginia the casual murderess and deviless will sit in the mayoral palace, and NOT further the agenda of Hell any way she can? She might do it very carefully, but still she will do it.

[quote=Jolanda Swan]The mayor doesn’t execute JUST their campaign promise and nothing more, though. Virginia might set up her sanitarium, and run it well. She has, after all, a reason to follow on her campaign promise. What about everything else? First, we signal to everyone that Devils are fine and good. Their public image changes. They become the establishment, trustworthy, high society even. So yes, I would say the quantity of souls sold, will go up.
And second, we will have a DEVIL as a mayor. Are we to believe that Virginia the casual murderess and deviless will sit in the mayoral palace, and NOT further the agenda of Hell any way she can? She might do it very carefully, but still she will do it.[/quote]

I agree with Jolanda. Virginia is a devil, and has the needs and appetites of devils. Moreover, whatever the Brass Embassy thinks, a lot of her supporters will be devils; they will expect her to act consistently with their interests also.

Bad devils is stereotype! Virginia is migrant, so she is good.

[quote=Catherine Raymond][quote=Jolanda Swan]The mayor doesn’t execute JUST their campaign promise and nothing more, though. Virginia might set up her sanitarium, and run it well. She has, after all, a reason to follow on her campaign promise. What about everything else? First, we signal to everyone that Devils are fine and good. Their public image changes. They become the establishment, trustworthy, high society even. So yes, I would say the quantity of souls sold, will go up.
And second, we will have a DEVIL as a mayor. Are we to believe that Virginia the casual murderess and deviless will sit in the mayoral palace, and NOT further the agenda of Hell any way she can? She might do it very carefully, but still she will do it.[/quote]

I agree with Jolanda. Virginia is a devil, and has the needs and appetites of devils. Moreover, whatever the Brass Embassy thinks, a lot of her supporters will be devils; they will expect her to act consistently with their interests also.[/quote]

&quotBut my dear friends the goals of our friends in the Brass Embassy have goals that of course are very aligned with our own interests. Don’t let the mistakes and hatred of the past make us forget the allies and opportunities we can make by making an alliance with our devilish friends. I say let us give Virginia a chance to truly bring London up, and cement London’s place in the Neath, and of course Mayor Virginia has a nice sound to it does it not?&quot

In all seriousness a vote for Virginia doesn’t mean a vote for Hell. There is some things in her past that prevent that from being the case.
edited by Lord Gazter on 7/18/2019

I would like to announce that I am firmly backing Virginia in this Election.

That does not mean that all of my characters will, however. They have their own minds, after all. ;)


I do wish to point out that during the revolution Virginia was so loyal to the cause of revolution (and thus the current government Hell) that not only did she become an agent and seduce a Prince of Hell, she lost or willingly gave up her ‘face’. Thus, if Virginia was so willingly to distance herself physically (her face) and mentally (her identity) from Hell just to achieve its means, she may not be so altruistic or disconnected as she appears.


Ixc: the part about her face, where’s that from? Can’t remember reading that before.

Heart’s Desire, I think.

Though, are faces that big a deal for a Devil?
edited by Anne Auclair on 7/19/2019

Oh right! I read through my notes on HD only last night, but not that far :)

I am impressed by her voice in her cards. She is formidable.
All the more reason to fight against her, but kudos to the writers.

There has been a lot of speculation about Virginia’s plans, and with good reason - she’s a devil! She has a history of deceit! She stole from me once! However, I think one of the most common assumptions about her agenda is flawed - namely the theory that as a devil, Virginia must be motivated by souls. I believe that in running for mayor, Virginia is motivated by the same thing that motivates the other actions she has taken in London - namely an attempt to uncover and hoard the treasures and knowledge of the forgotten quarter.

Firstly, let us look at her campaign promises [quote=] a policy of public works designed to improve the health of the average Londoner. She has termed it ‘callisthenics for the soul’[/quote] What this means for the soul has been discussed before, but I want to focus on the public works. Does anyone think Virginia cares about public works, except as a means to an end? And what reason would Virginia have for wanting taxpayer funded labor to do construction, renovations, or perhaps, excavations? And where is she going to have these works constructed? The answer is, as always with Virginia, the forgotten quarter.

Now, I will admit this is speculation rather then cold hard fact, so lets learn more about her campaign, and see what Virginia herself has to say about the location of her spa

Oh. She’s busy scouting out locations somewhere, and her campaign staff have to answer the questions. Well, maybe Dr Orthos will have something to say about …
Doctor Orthos? Why is HE involved in this campaign? He doesnt care about the general spiritual well-being of London, he’s a pirate scholar who steals research and keeps going on expeditions! The only thing he has in common with Virginia is a shared interest in plundering the treasures of the past and trying to beat hardworking Londoners to expedition sites. His involvement makes no sense unless Virginia is scheming up more expeditions, and he’s in on it.

Who else is Virginia working with? [quote=]Virginia is busy at Wolfstack Docks today, questioning those leaving for – and returning from – the tomb-colonies[/quote]
Questioning people who live in ancient sites? Interesting. Where else is she?

The same university with a keen interest in archaeological finds? A pattern emerges.

Well, maybe we can try asking her directly about her plans for London - where is she now?

Of course she is. Now, she says her plans are to open a spa and help people achieve opportunities for glory and self improvement, which I have previously commented on and do not believe for a moment, but there is one more thing worth noticing here. All storylets have a title, and this is no exception. The title of the storylet where Virginia talks about her plans as mayor? Expeditions

When Virginia and her supporters claim she doesn’t intend to steal our souls, I believe them. What Virginia intends to steal is what she and Orthos have been attempting to steal for years now - not our souls but our past, the knowledge and artifacts of the fallen cities. I for one, do not intend to support her in this endeavor.

It’s a very compelling argument, but honestly it only really works to increase my support for Virginia - the public spa being on an ancient archaeological site quells most of my doubts about her motivation.

I get the logic of not being particularly afraid to elect a devil considering that I seem to remember that humans are capable of far greater cruelties than devils can dream of, but is electing a mad archaeologist really the best step for London.

I think assuming that we’d actually get a spa after Virginia does her excavations is questionable. Also, I daresay the site of the spa might change several times due to the &quotfoundation being not quite right&quot or &quota better aspect would be a little further over there, perhaps&quot.

Have you… met the Devils? Seen their art (not the public stuff)? Been along for a Hunt?

[quote=Siankan][quote=Seon]humans are capable of far greater cruelties than devils can dream of[/quote]Have you… met the Devils? Seen their art (not the public stuff)? Been along for a Hunt?[/quote] The Rose Mortars? (I believe that’s what they are called. But I think you know what I mean.) This stuff is beyond cruel. It’s outright evil.

Virginia is offering us better public health and the mental and physical strengthening of the populace. Are we really going to swat away her hand and say “I do not take charity from DEVILS!” ?

[quote=asinineFlatfoot]Virginia is offering us better public health and the mental and physical strengthening of the populace. Are we really going to swat away her hand and say &quotI do not take charity from DEVILS!&quot ?[/quote] If the charity is foremost meant to &quotimprove our souls&quot (or, in other words, &quotfattening&quot them), provided by beings whose sole reason for interacting with humans is robbing said soul from you afterwards, then YES.

I can’t even begin to imagine why people are fond of the idea of making London a slaughterhouse for the Devils.

Addendum: I mean, of course I can imagine why some select individuals would be fond of the idea. But in their case I’m firmly on the side of the Bishop of Southwark. Those rotten traitors don’t need to be in Hell to BURN.

And of course I’m firmly &quotin character&quot here. :)

edited by Jeremiah Oathes on 7/20/2019

[quote=Jeremiah Oathes] If the charity is foremost meant to &quotimprove our souls&quot (or, in other words, &quotfattening&quot them), provided by beings whose sole reason for interacting with humans is robbing said soul from you afterwards, then YES.

I can’t even begin to imagine why people are fond of the idea of making London a slaughterhouse for the Devils.

Addendum: I mean, of course I can imagine why some select individuals would be fond of the idea. But in their case I’m firmly on the side of the Bishop of Southwark. Those rotten traitors don’t need to be in Hell to BURN.[/quote]Fattening, slaughterhouse, fattening, slaughterhouse! This comparison turns my stomach more and more each time I hear it. Are we cows? Are we turkeys? Are we livestock? If we are offered food, we may yet become fat and happy, but will we become trapped? Will we become powerless? Does it inevitably follow that any act of charity will be the net that snares us and feeds us to the meat-grinder?

Let’s even assume Virginia intends to do this, to &quotfatten us up before taking us to the slaughterhouse.&quot (it’s poppycock, but let’s assume it anyway.) What’s to stop us from taking her kindness and running away with it? Would a position as Mayor really poise her so to massacre us without any resistance? Are we that powerless that we would let that happen?