
Are you, though? I’m pretty sure you can just Brilliant Human Souls to Mt Palmerston without any problems. You’ll just have to pay tax on them if you’re caught (which, to be fair, may be expensive).

Well, I persevered and I have to say I’m glad I did. I’m farther now with my new captain than I ever was with my first, and though I’ve had a few setbacks (losing Maybe’s Daughter, something silver looking out from the Urbane Magician’s eyes), I have a town-house, a Scion, and 3 heirlooms lined up as insurance. And Memento Mori, which I can’t equip yet as I have no forward gun slot.[li]

I’m trying to build up enough cash to buy the Frigate, but it seems like it will take a while. At around 4000 echoes now, and without the ability to farm Sphinxstone (the quest ended), I’m not sure of a good way to make money. Just unlocking Red Honey, so I may try that.

Small complaints…a couple things seem incomplete (can’t dine with the Carnelian Exile, can’t save the Adventuress (?), incomplete quest prompt for the cat mascot). So many of the locales are just incredibly well-written and interesting…personal favorites so far are The Chapel of Lights, The Empire of Hands, The Isle of Cats, and the Principles of Coral. This is turning out to be my favourite game in years, and I really hope they keep adding stories/crew members etc. to it.

It would also be nice to be able to eventually own multiple ships.

Yay for perservering. Really happy you’re having fun with it.

Carnelian exile requires a very specific item before she’ll dine with you. You should be able to mouse over it in the options to see?

Not sure about the adventuress or the cat mascot.

My favourite so far has been Saviour’s Rocks.

Some other source of income in case you need them. Spoiler heavy.

[spoiler]Other good (but limited) sources of income (profit scales with hold space)
wine to godfall (50%)
coffee from port carnelian to vienna (120% profit)

infinitely repeatable (and not really limited by hold space):
clay men from polythreme (120 echoes per)
last tour from venderbight (up to 2100 per (sell the egg))
randoms from mangrove college (120 per)

But, obviously, those are all quite grindy. I try and do a last tour every time I go on a trip to zee, though, because even if I lose half the guys, it’s still an extra 800+ for going (close to) places I was probably headed anyway.

It still says ‘This character’s story will be added on February 26th’. I purchased from GoG so perhaps they don’t have the most updated build yet. Oh, I love Saviour’s Rocks, too. I’m an urchin by past so I may actually have enough Veil to do some of those challenges; I’m trying to get it very high before I attempt.

Ah, interesting. I thought the new stories were unrelated to the new builds, but perhaps not.

Well, they have to update the game to put the stories in, right? My copy from GoG isn’t connected through the Internet so it doesn’t update automatically. But, on the other hand, I can play it any time I b____y well please!

The story updates are handled differently. YOu pull them down from the menu screen! So as long as your computer is on the internet, you’re in good shape.

Feck, just lost Phoebe after failing 3x 72% chance searches of the house T_T

Ah, thanks. Just downloaded the updates. There are still some unavailable options for the Carnelian Exile, though. Hoping she’ll be upgradeable in the future.

Stamped Brilliant Souls are a completely different item, and the contact at Mt. Palmerston doesn’t check for them. The Bruiser will accept them, but we’re talking about his first delivery quest.

That shouldn’t be the case as of a few days ago.

Alright, good then. I haven’t started a new captain in a while.

Three tentacle events usually means your terror is well past acceptable levels. If you’re ever up past 50, make sure to keep an eye on it. Once you get near max, you’re in trouble!
I’m surprised you actually made it as far as you did if terror was so high. Do you remember what the level was? It can be easy to miss unless you’ve got the music on…
edited by SouthSea Rutherby on 3/2/2015

[quote=Mukuro]So, I just had a run of bad luck and lost my first Captain…
None of my abilities were high enough to provide bonuses, so it ends up being basically a complete wipe of the last ten hours. Given that the game is so incredibly grindy (very slow to make money, very difficult to acquire new Secrets/Fragments past a certain point) and I’m barely carrying over any benefit to this new character, should I keep playing at this point? It feels like I’ll have to ploddingly retrace my steps, doing all the same exact things with the same exact results for another 10 hours to get back to where I was.[/quote]
Did it happen to wipe your memory as well? No? Good. It means you got the most important achievement of your first captain safe and sound to where it needs to be.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again - the progression in this game happens mostly inside the player’s head.

Keep at it and before you know it all the complaints from the above quote will be just a memorable history.

Oh, in that play through I was basically always above 50…it would reduce to 50 when I returned to port, and I’d go out at around 50 and come back with 80 or 90 every time. Now I have a family, so the terror isn’t so high and I keep it below 50 most jaunts.

There you go – the problem occurred because your terror was too high. Keep it from getting too close to 90, and you’ll never get blind-sided by this kind of problem again.


If your terror gets above 50 and you can’t get it back down (althogh you should be able to probably drop it to 40 or something even if you’re unlucky before leaving london) you should probabyl go to the surface, that fixes terror fast.