DragonRidingSorceress has a Newspaper, and remains available for Heart’s Desire interviews. Seeker of Names, for Vake.
I have a newspaper now! The Rooftop Ragger, though plebian in style, will aim to show your views in the light best calculated to inform the public, and grace it with your doings!
As before, Mathieu remains available for Heart’s Desire Interviews.
Alt names for others:
Vanessa Montblanc - Bag a Legend
Vaughan Montblanc - Nemesis
Irene Psmith - Light Fingers
I’m not sure if you need anything to be interviewed or if it’s just a social action or I need to actualy answer, but I am more them happy to provide a quote or two about my Heart’s Desire in exchange for a small notation claiming I was at a different place at a different time or ignoring a countess’s flagrant lies about me for some juicer news.*
Note: If you need to answer questions for real, said answers may or may not be balderdash and bring down the social class of your paper a bit.It will definitely make sales though
edited by Kylestien on 11/21/2014
I have recently returned from a zee voyage, undertaken as part of my pursuit of the <s>Heart’s Desire</s> Marvelous. I am now At Home for interviews.
I also have acquired a newspaper with the proceeds of the voyage. Which creates the opportunity for someone to be the first interviewee!
edited by Gremlin on 1/3/2015
I’m available for interviews concerning Nemesis.
The Daily Thesis is now sending out reporters for interviews. Occasionally Caninicus will consent to being interviewed about the Marvelous as well.
I am always willing to speak of my experiences with a gemstone of particular size.
I am willing to be interviewed about Nemesis. [color=rgb(84, 84, 84)]http://[/color][color=rgb(84, 84, 84)]fallenlondon.storynexus.com/profile/[/color][color=rgb(84, 84, 84)]Cyndi[/color][color=rgb(84, 84, 84)]~[/color][color=rgb(84, 84, 84)]Unmerryweather[/color]
The Occluded Sun is on the prowl for stories and secrets.
I am also available for interviews concerning my Nemesis.
Are you seeking someone in pursuit of their Nemesis? I am open to requests for interview on that subject.
Alternatively, are you plagued by scandal or suspicion? Tell me your ambition, and I will offer you interviews as opportunities arise.
An interview in The London Gaze, a quality newspaper read by thoughtful people, will allow you to explain your actions.
In case anybody is needing fresh interviewees, I would happily speak about my Heart’s Desire.
I both own a Newspaper and am willing to talk for interviews. However, I’m having a bit of a issue getting a Whirring Contraption or 2.
Finding the Missing Woman at Wilmot’s End is my preferred source of Whirring Contraptions. You may also send me a calling card so I may interview and vice versa if you wish.
Friends, citymen.
The Subterranean Spire is currently seeking fascinating individuals who are pursuing the Nemesis and Light Fingers ambitions. Will pay in menace reduction of your choice, plus, if you prove to be a loyal and reliable interviewee, maybe something extra?
Alternately, I am also up for sharing a story or two about my own ambition - Heart’s Desire.
Looking forward to hear from you!
Here’s me: http://fallenlondon.storynexus.com/Profile/Fleshy~Clamcheck
Greetings! I am a ‘fresh’ newspaper owner, a most notable publication, under the name of ‘The Time To Explain’. I am in need of a number of copies that might ensure my rise in reputation as a pinnacle of truth in the written media, and as such may send out, or happily receive, interviews on such matters.
And in case any of my competitors wish to hear of my own life’s ambition, look no further - for before you stands a man posed to Bag A Legend.
edited by Zarhon on 2/16/2015
Adding my name to the roster since I’ve gotten back into this. Shadowhand and his paper The Inverecund Indagator will be regularly looking for interviewees; coincidentally, he is also available for interviews regarding giant jewels.
edited by Shadowhand on 2/16/2015
My paper is The Echo, and I’m looking for interviewees (esp. for BaL), and am also available for interviews on Heart’s Desire.
I am editor in seigneur of The Neathy Ledger. I have several reciprocal interviews owed from Light Fingered and Legend Bagging individuals (which I will be coming to collect in due course delicious friends), but would like to add to my rolodex some vengeful chaps with a Nemesis they hunt, though a few more subjects of any ambition would be useful.
I would, as ever, be happy to provide my own interview on my own Hearts Desire for the Marvelous. We could always use a few new dupes at the table.
edited by GiacomoHawkins on 3/1/2015
I am the owner of a newspaper, The Falsified Times, and am also a Vake hunter. I am interested in interviewing any others who pursue another ambition an am willing to be interviewed about my hunt for this monster.
I own the Smithian Daily, an excellent newspaper of great quality. I am also seeking my heart’s desire by playing with the marvellous. As Ferrus above, I want to interview fellow fallen londoners, and I can answer to questions.