December’s Exceptional Story: Daylight

Thank you so much, Melody Jade!


Like a few others on here, I am catching up with old ES after finishing PP.

Some of the points here no longer seem to apply – I had a total of three encounters with the Beast, and the airs quality was not re-set after the first two. I spent a great deal of time and actions exploring and found no areas inaccessible at any point.

I did take the ratling and refused to give up the sock. The Imaginator recovered the ability to speak, but clearly remained very focussed on work. No happy ending, which is entirely in keeping with Neathy matters.

Some follow-ons seemed illogical. The Zailor goes from being irritated about the boss battle to being perfectly friendly the next moment.

And while it makes a kind of sense having to get over the dullness after returning to London (I acquired 3 at the very end), what happened to the Sparks of Inspiration, of which I accumulated five in total? They apparently just disappeared. Which is a shame, I had high hopes for future books and plays.

Overall middling.

I’m a bit of two mind one this. On one hand, I really liked Daylight the place. Being pursued by the Monster was scary, and naming the Menace Dullness made me scared that my character was losing a part of themselves, so it was threatening. It forced to consider my actions carefully. The actual place was cool and well-detailed, an island as a real-life model with light everywhere. On the other hand, I think the story lacks closure. You fight the monster, with is cool, but then it kind of end. I’m not opposed to sad endings (in fact I tend to prefer them to conventional happy ending) but it definitely feel like something was missing. I did bring the Precocious Ratling, but I didn’t now find the socks, so maybe that’s what happens, but still, I think a clearer understanding of the stakes for each character could have improved the climax. Or something else, I don’t know, I’m just a random person. Overall, I think the story was good, but it could have been better.