December’s Exceptional Story: Daylight

[quote=Azothi]This &quotFarewell to Connected: The Orient&quot and &quotThe Mysterious and Indistinct Art of Pronouns&quot, as well as tangentially &quotSLIGHTLY BREAKING: same-sex marriage legal in Fallen London from Alexis Kennedy offers some insight into the way that Fallen London has approached the careful balance between its Victorian setting and its contemporary audience.[/quote]THANK YOU for posting those links. I was thinking about these very blog posts as soon as I read Isaac’s complaint but was too tired to go look for them. I’ll keep them saved for future use :)

One can’t help but feel like you’re picking fights for the sake of it recently. That’s all I’m going to say.
edited by phryne on 11/29/2018

Another very Victorian thing: keeping things civil. People who enjoy FL tend to also enjoy diversity, cozy discourse and being friendly or at least polite. Now, no-one is forced to enjoy such things too, but going deliberately against them, knowing nobody will enjoy the ensuing discussion, is weird.

As for the Alexis Kennedy posts, he specifically said he used the terms knowing they are problematic, to make a point, and took them out as they made people feel not wanted, which he didn’t want. He did not say he wanted them there and was forced to take them out because of the evil PC police going after him.
edited by Jolanda Swan on 11/29/2018

[quote=Isaac Gates]For the record, those links basically boil down to this:

&quotWe fudged it, that may or may not make the setting anodyne. We did it because people complained.&quot[/quote]Eh, we can agree to disagree on the standard for &quotcomplaining&quot here. To quote the Orient post:

[quote=Alexis Kennedy][color=rgb(0, 153, 0)]To the second, I agree that we have lost some of the flavour of Victorian London. But we’ve never made a serious virtue of historical realism, and one too many people mailed me to say [I paraphrase] ‘look, I like your game, but when I see that word used in that way, it makes me feel like I don’t belong here.’ In the end, that’s the important thing.[/quote][/color]Remember, Failbetter is a company and we are its market. They sacrifice a piece of Victorian London - a minor part of the aesthetic - to allow some people to take more joy in Fallen London, potentially expanding their market by spreading the word and potentially investing real money into the game. Is this complaining, or is it criticism? It’s always seemed like the difference between criticism and complaining is how much you agree with the critique. I mean, what’s this?

[quote=Isaac Gates]Y’know, it’s more than a little odd to me that in game lore clearly states that women are very much still on the margins of society, and yet homosexuality and the ambiguously gendered are accepted… in the 1890s. [/quote]I’d argue it’s an observation, albeit one tinged with critique. Someone else might see it as a complaint. Someone else might see it as a valid criticism. These classifications are subjective.

Some people care more about Victorian realism. Some people don’t. Fallen London can’t cater to everyone - it has to define itself as a game, and it’s not defined itself as a Victorian escapist fantasy. Its primary market is not the subset of consumers who want to have an authentic Victorian experience.

[quote=Isaac Gates]And I can’t speak for what &quotone&quot feels, I’m simply voicing my opinions. The fact that anything remotely contentious automatically provokes dozens of defensive replies and countless downvotes in this forum may or may not have anything to do with that anodyne quality mentioned earlier. Just a thought.[/quote]And I disagree about this as well. You must risk offending people to have free speech and an honest discussion. You’re voicing your opinions. That’s true enough. I’m voicing my opinions. They happen to be different than yours. I have to risk offending your beliefs in order to have this discussion. If I tried to be anodyne, I would be silent - I can’t offend you if we never interact. I suspect it’s the same for others in the discussion.

Of course, risking offense is not the same as actively seeking it. Are you offended by people disagreeing with you? I can’t say for certain. I can’t say you won’t be either. We take precautions to minimize the risk of offense because it’s difficult to work with offended audiences.

Out of interest, did anyone actually find a key? That was the one piece of content I missed out on, and I can’t help wondering if that contributed to the ending feeling more than a little incomplete.

[quote=Tom Davidson]Out of interest, did anyone actually find a key? That was the one piece of content I missed out on, and I can’t help wondering if that contributed to the ending feeling more than a little incomplete.[/quote]I didn’t either, and I’ve been unable to return to the rat village to search more because raising the Hunted quality to 2 after finishing up in the workshop automatically triggers the Stalker fight. My best guess right now is that it’s a rare success on searching the houses.

My character IS a card-carrying do-gooder prepared to cross the zee to save literally anyone, and what he’s taking away from this is the satisfaction of having reunited a young rat with its dolly.

I haven’t played the story yet, but the description talks about rats and an island in the Unterzee - is this by any chance about Pigmote or Nuncio? Please tell me it is! :)

It is not. The island setting is, IMO, the best thing about the story (besides Mr. Sock), so I won’t elaborate yet.
edited by Tom Davidson on 11/30/2018

[quote=Absintheuse][color=#cc0099]December’s Exceptional Story has arrived, delicious friends!

Join forces with a zailor and young rat to uncover the secrets of an abandoned model village. Journey to an island in the middle of the unterzee to uncover the painful legacy of an inventor’s folly and confront the horror that lingers there still.

Daylight is the first story in the Season of Hobbies, and was written by Ash McAllan. This season will give you the opportunity to spend time with Londoners at their leisure. You can begin each from the Season of Hobbies card.

Editing, design and QA: James Chew and Olivia Wood.

Art by Paul Arendt.


In addition to a new, substantial, stand-alone story every month, Exceptional Friends enjoy:

  • Access to the House of Chimes: an exclusive private members’ club on the Stolen River, packed with content[/li][li]An expanded opportunity deck: of ten cards instead of six![/li][li]A second candle: Twice the actions! 40 at once!

Finishing all three stories in the Season of Hobbies will make you eligible for an additional opportunity, to follow.

If you want to keep an Exceptional Story beyond the month it’s for, you must complete the related storylet in the current Season’s card throughout London. This will save it for you to return to another time.[/color]
edited by Absintheuse on 11/29/2018[/quote]

Gonna have to be honest: Not a fan of this one. The island itself was a massive action sink not helped with Dullness having no more interesting consequence than an obligation to go to a punch of parties back in London. What if I DON’T miss my creative facultires, huh?! What if I’m FINE with them drifting off into the Mirror-Marches for some Fingerking to nibble on?

The plot itself-I almost forgot to bring the zailor with me, and I actually don’t regret it. Because it might just be me having played too many ESes but I called it from the get-go he wouldn’t find what he wanted, and the whole thing just feels pointless on realising it started with a sob story in a bar and no further plan than &quotgo to the island, haul some daft git I miss back, never for one moment stop to think if a relationship should be built on more than artistic talents&quot. It’s not as if there was much of a chance to get to know either of them very well so the creator comes off as a bland twit high up his ivory tower even before having his creativity siphoned and the zailor comes off as a crybaby who never got over a cute boy.

At least the rat kept Mr. Sock. That’s a plus, I guess.

Sometimes you see something and a whole lot of other things make sense.

The one thing I disliked was the luck checks. They 're action sinks and I had to wait for the candles to reload for quite some time. I’m sure I missed content because I was not certain if I had succeeded somewhere or not, since hours had to pass between some checks. The idea was good, I liked the characters and the island a lot, and Mr Socks and the ratling were delightful - why was there even an option NOT to take them with you?

[quote=Isaac Gates]A) It was a joke.

B) How’s the view from the other side of that pigeonhole?[/quote]

tickety boo
edited by Lady Karnstein on 11/30/2018

If you defeat the monster, you’re free to explore any part of the island you want without cycling Airs. I left without looking for another key, though. It might be related to a choice back in London, such as possibly if you didn’t take the ratling with you. If anyone found a key themselves, please speak up.

If you defeat the monster, you’re free to explore any part of the island you want without cycling Airs. I left without looking for another key, though. It might be related to a choice back in London, such as possibly if you didn’t take the ratling with you. If anyone found a key themselves, please speak up.[/quote]Took the ratling with me. I was only able to access a few places - the castle, the church, the workshop, the lake (redirected me back to On Daylight), the cove, and the forest, I think. I know I couldn’t access the train.

Is there any way to remove dullness when you have 3 of it? You can’t access the prayer option at the church without it, and I was hoping to get that before leaving Daylight.

Took the ratling with me. I was only able to access a few places - the castle, the church, the workshop, the lake (redirected me back to On Daylight), the cove, and the forest, I think. I know I couldn’t access the train.[/quote]
I could access the train, but that’s only because I was unable to get the steam engine beforehand. Afterwards, the option disappeared from my list. Not sure if any options are similar. It might not allow you to access the lake either for a similar reason.

I fairly enjoyed the story. Perhaps not as much as the past few, but it was a bit less my thing than they were. It was a good, solid story with enough twists and turns to stay interesting, and the rat girl and zailor added some pathos. Caroline was decidedly not a fan of Daylight but all the little things to do and explore were quite interesting. Certainly a solid story.

Two things I’d like to know: What happens if you let the zailor do his thing? and what happens if you use the engine?
EDIT: Wait, also, throwing the toy, I’d like to see that one
edited by MidnightVoyager on 11/30/2018

I got 2 Precocious Ratlings somehow. Is this correct?

I just sent FBG a bug report because, after speaking with the Imaginator and getting him to come with me and the Zailor, I got a blank bar instead of the storylets tab. I can’t choose any other storylets and thus can’t complete the ES or get back to the rest of Fallen London. Anyone else seeing this kind of bug?