Daughter or Closer Look at V. Squad?


I’ve got some Fate laying around and I decided I’d like to spend it on one of those stories. Have been a PoSI for a short while now, I also have access to Cave of Nadir. It seems to me that Daughter might be more interesting story, but Velocipede grants Ratwork Velocipede, which is a nice boost for improving Notability.

So, getting more to the point - could someone more experienced give me a bit of advice? I’m torn apart and can’t really decide which one I want. Both story and advantages (I know that Daughter helps with one card in Nadir and unlocks additional Capering Relicker gift, plus previously mentioned Ratwork Velocipede gained from the Squad story) interest me.

Mechanically, the Ratwork Velocipede is hard to beat. One more card in the Nadir being profitable is nice, though not a huge deal.

Story wise, I’ve often heard the Daughter one isn’t all that great, whereas the Velocipede Squad is at least okay.

I haven’t bought the V. Squad, but the daughter story was kind of eh, as I remember. But if you ever intend to Seek the Name, the daughter is good. Otherwise, probably go for the V. Squad?

I really liked the daughter story. I got emotionally involved with questions about how to atone for the mistakes of my past and the benefits and drawbacks of trust. But I think I’m in the minority. I haven’t actually finished the Savage Cobbles yet, though, so I can’t speak to the story as whole. But the action storylets are a blast.

The Daugher is available very early in the game, so the rewards are pretty useful to starting characters: a decent Shadowy item and a more valuable gift from the Capering Relicker. But they’re not likely to be particularly useful for a PoSI (I think the Relicker gift is the same value as the gift you can get just for being PoSI). I. I haven’t yet drawn Old Bones in the Nadir, so I don’t know what that does, but my suspicion is that it’s probably not all that impressive mechanically. If you’re already a PoSI, then mechanically the Ratwork Velocipede is going to be better.
edited by bjharts on 2/25/2017

I’ve only played the Velocipede Squad, and there isnt much story, but a few mechanically useful things. In addition to the ratwork velocipede, you also get a decently profitable grind for relics that raises dangerous and forceful up to 10.

Beware that one choice in the story can remove the Velocipede Squad from the game entirely, making you lose all those useful grinds forever.

[quote=Harlocke]I’ve only played the Velocipede Squad, and there isnt much story, but a few mechanically useful things. In addition to the ratwork velocipede, you also get a decently profitable grind for relics that raises dangerous and forceful up to 10.

Beware that one choice in the story can remove the Velocipede Squad from the game entirely, making you lose all those useful grinds forever.[/quote]
What decently profitable grind for relics gives a closer look of the Velocipede Squad?

Its the same grind, with a better ending option.

So what option removes the Velocipede Squad? The same one that removes Carousel?

So what option removes the Velocipede Squad? The same one that removes Carousel?[/quote]

At one point in the story you have a choice to either try to reform the velocipede squad, or leave it corrupt as is and profit from it. If you want to keep the grinds available, be a corrupt cop and don’t change the status quo.


The Daughter option on Old Bones gives 1 CP Dramatic Tension and assorted cheap items for one point of Irrigo. IMO it’s actually better than the BDR from the Velocipede, assuming you visit the Nadir regularly. At a certain point Notability is rarely relevant anymore so having two more BDR won’t matter often.

So what option removes the Velocipede Squad? The same one that removes Carousel?[/quote]

At one point in the story you have a choice to either try to reform the velocipede squad, or leave it corrupt as is and profit from it. If you want to keep the grinds available, be a corrupt cop and don’t change the status quo.[/quote]

There are three options given I believe: one to not change things, one to change things from within, and one to report the corruption to the press. Reporting the corruption gives an instant reward and locks off the Velocipede Squad carousel forever. The other two options unlock extra cash-in options for the carousel and add an opp card. The card is pretty good, with one option reducing Nightmares (iirc) and one giving 2.5 E in jade balanced out by 1 CP Nightmares and Suspicion.

The Daughter option on Old Bones gives 1 CP Dramatic Tension and assorted cheap items for one point of Irrigo. IMO it’s actually better than the BDR from the Velocipede, assuming you visit the Nadir regularly. At a certain point Notability is rarely relevant anymore so having two more BDR won’t matter often.

So what option removes the Velocipede Squad? The same one that removes Carousel?[/quote]

At one point in the story you have a choice to either try to reform the velocipede squad, or leave it corrupt as is and profit from it. If you want to keep the grinds available, be a corrupt cop and don’t change the status quo.[/quote]

There are three options given I believe: one to not change things, one to change things from within, and one to report the corruption to the press. Reporting the corruption gives an instant reward and locks off the Velocipede Squad carousel forever. The other two options unlock extra cash-in options for the carousel and add an opp card. The card is pretty good, with one option reducing Nightmares (iirc) and one giving 2.5 E in jade balanced out by 1 CP Nightmares and Suspicion.[/quote]
So if I want to reform from within I still get the card and extra cash in options for the carousel?

The daughter option has an epa of over 2.

Yes, you keep the carousel and stuff if you reform from within.

I’ve done them both. Neither one was bad.

I really like the Velocipede squad carousel, and I didn’t realize that choosing “reform” would leave the carousel open! I have put off ending the story for like a year now. That’s great news, thanks delicious friends!

Continuing to reform will eventually close the carousel off. The game just makes you continue the loop a dozen times or so choosing “Reform” before it finally finishes the story.

What choice in the Long Lost daughter to take so I can get the companion and the rare card in Nadir?

The way I remember it, at the end of the story it asked pretty explicitly whether you wanted to keep the daughter in your life or get rid of her.

Thanks, Mordaine. I had originally thought that, but I got my hopes up! Oh well. I plan to keep it open at any rate.

I like the Daughter; in addition to nadir benefits she’s also a good option in Seven Day Reign if you ever buy that content, and she’s a valuable sacrifice in SMEN content if you ever play that.

Sorry to bother. My daughter quality is - You have been contacted by someone claiming to be your long-lost daughter. In Contact with a Long-Lost Daughter 14 - Your ‘Daughter’ has potential. Perhaps you could adopt her as your own. The story is not finished(I don’t have the reset). And I found the story continuation nowhere. Where to go , what card to wait(again)? Thanks.
edited by Tofan Bogdan on 3/1/2017