Cryptic Stitching -- Here Goes Nothing!

I think that there might be a bug with your stat-cap. The text says that 20 is the stat cap for keen, but my keen is 22+1.

That’s normal for StoryNexus. The +1 comes from an equipped item. Those bonuses aren’t affected by the cap.


Yeah, the +1 is from equipment, but if the cap is 20, I shouldn’t have a base stat of 22

Oops, sorry, misread your message!

Can anyone remind me where you get exotic beast hides from?

Edit: nevermind: you get them from the moa on the glacier (and other places)
edited by RandomWalker on 3/2/2014

This game really needs a journal or ‘message save’ function of some kind. I’ve lost track of which quests I’m on and where I should be going for it. Should have broken out paper and pen ages ago.

It seems pretty arbitrary which cards cost actions and which ones don’t. I’ve got the ‘Tall Grasses’ card when hunting on the edge of the patchwork steppes and it costs an action to harvest grain (a lot of similar-sounding cards don’t call for that), but it also costs an action to NOT harvest grain, which means that there’s no way to clear the card from your hand without spending an action point. Quite annoying.

Sorry for delayed response–long weekend!

Yes! The Songsnail is a flavor-text friend, not someone that appears in your inventory. I need to go check the skill cap thing–I might have raised it while working on Act II and then not gone back and changed the text.

I think a message save function would be AWESOME.

And yes! Quippet actually walks over to check on you, but I clearly need to make the text much more clear there.

The action thing was a long running issue–I think I would click “Always” for the card type, then switch it to a “Sometimes” in the menu, and that would leave the action cost set wrong. Sometimes I would tell it to cost something, and it wouldn’t take. It’s a little baffling…

Thank you, everyone, for the feedback–I apologize for not replying right away!

One other observation - the cloak vendor doesn’t seem to be showing up any more and I can’t get a second necklace either. I finally collected enough exotic beast hides to get that cloak, and enough scales to get the other one, but I’ve been flipping a LOT of cards in the base camp and the vendors have just not shown up. Is there any way to get them to show?

Cloak vendor showed up - finally! Now if he’ll just show up two more times, I can get all the cloaks I want :-)
Also, stat cap currently seems to be set at 25.

Yeah, the merchant system is a little clunky. Short of a development release, though, I’m not sure how to do it. (And the merchant is rare in response to early playtesting complaining that he was ALWAYS in town! Hee!)

If I were going to do it again, I might make a general store pinned card, to allow selling of objects, rather than randomized merchants.

Thanks for the response, Ursula. I must admit that you only want the vendor to show often enough to buy everything that they stock - the hood merchant is pretty common and now that I have my cloaks I’m sure that the belt merchant will be a nuisance as well. It’d be really tedious to have the cards stop showing once you’ve bought them out, so I’d agree that having them pinned to the bottom of the page would be a preferable option.

Not sure if it’s intentional or not, but succeeding the fierce challenge with The Hares in the Withyjack forest seems to give similar message to the one you get if you fail. I’m no longer able to fail the test to be sure, but the message doesn’t sound like success.

The hares WERE intentional, but enough people have tripped up on them that I’m starting to think my intent was misguided. grin

Hmm. Come back to this to chase final content (well, shaman final content). I think I’ve done everything except finish the uncrow storyline (the cards are annoyingly rare - seems to be unlikely to get even one with 20 draws), and I think that there might yet be one more herb to get the Herb-Wife that I haven’t found yet. I’ve got no idea where to look for it.

Minor comments: the sturdy challenge seems to be a better option than the difficult-to get cat-hide cloak as the sturdy option can be 100%'d but the cat-hide has a rare failure, and the sturdy option is a skill-up opportunity. It wouldn’t be that unbalancing to have the cat-cloak 100% on that challenge.

Having a way to drop a card without activating it would be a nice time-saver for when you’re shuffling for something specific.

Had another point to mention, but it’s slipped my mind.

Okay, progressed a little more on the uncrow. I would suggest making it slightly more obvious when you should go back to Quipet. I’m also not sure if the content it done now or if there’s more to come.

Just wanted to say I really enjoyed playing this. It’s very very funny, loved it. :)