There is one aspect I’ve been aching for, in terms of “Echo This” functionality, for a while.

There is usually an Echo This option for the piece of text at the top of a storylet, and for the outcomes of actions, but there isn’t one for sharing the action itself.

For example, when Interacting with the Silk-Clad Expert, I can echo the passage about her at the top, but this is followed by a number of possible actions that have wonderfully suggestive text, and there is no option to share them - many, many of my friends also play Fallen London and would be wrapped with sniggers to read that I was considering taking this action, for instance:

"Pick her pocket
Her purse bulges as though stuffed with rubber balls. Might be worth a dip to see what’s inside."

Because that’s not likely to end in a handful of sorrow spiders, is it?

edited by Kyberia on 4/27/2013