Currently maxed on all qualities, and I’ll chime up another +1 for Prisoner’s Honey being the hardest to find. Especially since I’ve resorted to Echo grinding to obtain a stockpile of it for a reservation at a certain hotel. I can see how silk scraps can be a bit of an issue, however, I’ve got a bit of a stockpile still left over.

Actually, when, actually?

…? Go to the Carnival and check the Big Top. All you need is a carnival ticket now. I don’t know when the change was made – recently, I think?

Being quality-capped only makes the grind worse. For me, acquiring the honey for that reservation yielded about a dozen points in Persuasive, which mitigated the annoyance somewhat.[/quote]
Eh, it’s not a big deal for me. I’d rather not miss/skip over any storylet while grinding myself. I’d just like to get it over with sooner.

Is there anywhere to grind scarabs?

Don’t think so. But Persons of Importance can grind for Beeswax in Ladybones Road, and then trade the Beeswax for Scarabs.

You can now trade beeswax for them, and beeswax can be acquired in “Unfinished Business in Ladybones Road”

[color=rgb(34, 34, 34)]As you’ve probably seen, we’ve done a serious economy overhaul over the last week or two. [/color][color=#222222]I’ve been the one tinkering with the numbers.[/color]
[color=#222222]I’d like to thank everyone who’s contributed to this thread. And this thread has been valuable in working out things that we needed to change.[/color]
[color=#222222]So, the things that people were having trouble with. Top of the list was certainly Prisoner’s Honey, but there were other problem items too. For the most part, I’ve reduced the requirements for the more difficult items. In many cases, you’ll be needing a much smaller number of more expensive items, rather than a lake of something cheap like honey. This is most visible in the lodgings requirements, but I’ve changed item requirements throughout the game. In general, things have become cheaper. Certain things (especially ships) have become a lot cheaper. In return, the items you’ll need might take a little bit of creation or ferreting out.[/color]
[color=#222222]There are also some new ways to get items, such as extra branches on the Unfinished Business storylets. And of course, you can now often make what you need by using inventory items. The whole experience of finding what you need should be a lot smoother. Alexis has said more about that in the blog post, but I will say that there are some eye-opening secrets hidden away in the exchange storylets.[/color]
[color=#222222]Anyway, thanks again for all the help. It’s a blessing to have a vocal, engaged community like this who we can get good information from. It makes the game better for everyone.[/color]
[color=rgb(34, 34, 34)][font=‘Lucida Grande’, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
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edited by Goatdance on 1/27/2012

Getting Connected: the Docks (after level 10) is a problem too, and one that’s come up before. Now that we need it at level 20 to earn Puzzling Maps, I’m a little disappointed. The tooltip says I can boost the connection at Wolfstack Docks, but there don’t seem to be any storylets I can play there that will actually do so. I’d sail down to Mutton Island, except I haven’t exactly the materials or Fate to build my new zubmarine yet.

Persons of Some Little Consequence do not have access to any of the resources they need to get a Velocipede - Phosphorescent Scarab, Memory of Light, Compromising Document, Intriguing Gossip, Correspondence Plaque, Maniac’s Prayer.

Those are all made from other things: Lamplighter Beeswax can be made into phosporescent scarabs, and those into memories of light. Stolen correspondence can be turned into intriguing gossip, and those into compromising documents. Primordial Shrieks can be turned into Maniac’s Prayers, and those into Correspondence Plagues. All 3 of the base items can be bought in the bazaar if you truly can’t find them anywhere.

[color=0000CC]This was a bug - it should only have been 6. This fix will go live soon.[/color]

[color=0000CC]This was a bug - it should only have been 6. This fix will go live soon.[/color][/quote]
Ah, thank you. :)

I’m maxed stat/130 in all 4 main stats.

Story wise -
Ambition: Hearts Desire = all content so far done.
I have a ship, on a voyage of scientific discovery, as well as banished from the court/unwelcome at the university - explored all current zee locations
All areas not requiring fate that are available are unlocked and finished.
Labyrinth of Tigers/Velcopide Squad/Mahogany Hall/Foreign Office - completed as far as non-Fate content goes.
I have a Newspaper, a constant companion, a Library, 2 transports, working on a gym.
All homes, barring the 3 high level ‘4 Card’ homes.

Items that are hard to get for me:

Prisoners Honey - hardest by far, even as a POSI. Only once has their ever been a big payout - being banished from the court. It’s required often - has the hardest grind option - and if you’re not Dangerous enough, being on the ‘Hearts Desire’ Ambition means at one point that damn monkey swipes almost all of it. When factoring in rooms at the Royal Bethlehem - it needs an overhaul.

Souls - Slow grind for a POSI, very, very few major payments. The only one of any note is the 500 from robbing the Brass embassy, that’s repeatable - and it requires far too many actions.

Surface currency - No way to even grind it.

Stolen Correspondance - No grind option, or any storylet with a significant payout - best option seems to be ‘The Big one’ in the Flit, and a couple of others that award it in the low 100’s.

Proscribed Material - Not too common, and few payouts of any note - like Stolen Correspondance, ‘The Big One’ has one option in the Flit. Seeing as until the recent update for rep grinding at the Carnival - it’s the only way to get regular Masters Rep, beyond very few options, from one-off major stortylets.

Infernal contracts - Very hard. Even robbing the Brass Embassy only gives a paltry amount.

Surface Currency can be ground in Veilgarden, and Stolen Correspondence from Spite. All the others you mention have their own grind locations, but I assume you’re aware of those.

You’re maxed and have a ship, therefore you’re a PoSI, and have access to Unfinished Business. You’re also talking about things that you want now, rather than in the past.
Prisoner’s Honey - until recently, the only realistic method was to buy it. There’s now a new option in Veilgarden’s UB. It provides the standard 1 Echo’s sale value of the stuff. i.e. 50 honey.
Souls - have always been available from the Spite UB and in the standard amounts. Sure, more than 50/action would be nice, but that’s still far better than buying them.
Surface Currency - has always been available from shaking down your agent in the Veilgarden UB. You get 36/action, which is slightly above the standard rate, actually.
Stolen Correspondence - Agreed that there’s no location. Disagree that The Big One is a valid location. It’s easier to just go to Hunter’s Keep, spend a while there, sell your goods and just buy the correspondence outright. (Note that The Big One, The Black Ribbon and Mr. Inch all paid off significantly below the odds at the time. At statcap, they’re pretty useless for farming)
Proscribed Material - There’s an UB for this, but since you have access to the Foreign Office, try The Ministry Run, which pays off even better.
Infernal Contracts - the standard UB option’s the best that you can get right now, and that makes sense because they’re very expensive items. You get them at the typical UB rate, so it’s no worse than any other items.
The way to look at things is “I can earn this many Echoes at best per action. Therefore I can buy this many of that good. If there is anywhere that averages more of that good than I can buy, I’m doing better than I could be.”
Of course, some better farming locations are going to be important as more content is released and our stats rise, until eventually we’re able to outbuy the UB options (or want to get stage two or better conversion items). But that’s still a way off.

There’s a new Stolen Correspondence UB option in Spite. I’d been saving up SCs and Honey - not having any way to grind them back up if I sold them - and I’m delighted to suddenly find I have a usable, replaceable surplus. I think the only common good I still need to hoard is Silk - not being Ruthless enough to extort the poor folks of the East End for it.

I missed that new location, mostly because I wasn’t looking for it. The best place for silk is the first half of Hunter’s Keep - if you’re going there for various reasons, it’s a good way to pass a few cycles. 110/action is rather nice, compared to Spite.

Twincandles, Anticandles, and Listening Candles are only available before our initial escape from New Newgate - given that they have spaces set aside for them on the “Story” page, it would be nice to earn a few, and fill those gaping holes.

I never even heard of these things!