Cleaning the lists

As I understand it, none of the names that I used last hallowmass can be ever used again, so the 25 PAGES of names I have, I don’t need.

Going through, there’s enough that don’t play anymore that I can send a request, and just have it sit for a month untouched…

Would it be impolite if I sent an action to every person possible in my lists and said &quotreject or accept in 30 days, or I’ll have to remove this connection&quot ?

That still isn’t trivial amount of actions to use.

Given that, what action can reach the most people? (Figure if they are at zea or otherwise unable to be sent it, they are active, or at least not clogging up lists)

Or an action good enough to use, but not so amazing that it sits for the right moment?

I mean, you can certainly write a nicer message. I think the most lucrative invite is the Neath’s Mysteries ones, so maybe pass some time in your lodgings, you could make some money.
edited by Henrique Brito on 6/2/2016

How do you remove contacts from lists? I mean, you can cancel calling cards, but otherwise?

If you click on your username in the top right you can go to the storynexus account page. There you can among things delete contacts.

I generally use The Neath’s Mysteries to weed my contacts list, as I figure while someone might ignore a chess or coffee invite, they’re unlikely to pass up the good echoes from TNM.

That said, I’m not in a huge hurry to trim my list, so I don’t mind waiting to draw a card. If you have a driving impulse to get your list down to only active players, you’ll need something grindable.

I know what you mean - I’ve narrowed mine down to 20 pages, and trying to determine who is active and who isn’t has become a challenge.
With most of them, it’s pretty easy - I can send a social action then remove them from the list. If they send a social action back, they’re active (and will reappear on the list automatically.)
The trouble I have is with players who I have exchanged Calling Cards with - I have a few who seem to still be playing, but rarely respond to social actions. Or it takes like a week for them to do so. And I don’t want them to suffer Making Waves loss because I’m impatient, but at the same time I see no point in keeping them when I have a finite people I can share Calling Cards with.

I see that being useful, but it does mean you’re giving up 4 Echoes if they’re not active. I’d rather use that Opportunity Card with people I know aren’t going to let it go to waste, y’know? :-)

As for the topic at hand, I’m interested to see how others deal with this sort of thing.

PS:- Grenem, StoryNexus : World not Found is the page Optimatum is referring to.

Once you pass 1400 contacts i.e. 140 pages, this no longer works. So that’s the critical point where you have to decide if you want to clear your contacts or lose the ability to do so forever. You also lose the ability to do most other things on your settings page, like manage your subscription haha. If you do find yourself in the situation where you have too many contacts and can’t manage your subscriptions or payment information, you can instead go to the buy fate button and manage your payment options from there (and if you need to cancel a subscription for a specific month or whatever, removing all payment options there auto cancels you).

I was at around 1900 contacts last time I checked via manual count from the send letters from your lodgings social action. That’s really the only way I can even see my contacts now, through the drop down menu in a social action, and the only way I can add new contacts is using the add contact bar inside of a social action. Basically, be careful about trimming your contacts or not, because it can have some pretty inconvenient implications if you never deal with it (although alternatively it would be nice if failbetter fixed the settings page instead one day to allow infinite contacts. Im not holding my breath for that though :P ).

What about iOS? I don’t have any devices yet but i hope they made it better there. Maybe that can help you nitebrite.
edited by Zoe DeGeest on 6/2/2016

[quote=Zoe DeGeest]What about iOS? I don’t have any devices yet but i hope they made it better there. Maybe that can help you nitebrite.
edited by Zoe DeGeest on 6/2/2016[/quote]
Im an android user unfortunately, so I would not be able to check this. Does anyone with iOS know if the settings page/contacts list management is any better in the app than on the website? Could you see it having similar page limit/space issues?

I’m feeling silly here, but correct me if I’m wrong: this list isn’t two ways, right? There’s nothing in this game preventing people from contacting you by name or profile (save for the few actions reserved for formal acquaintances). So why not clear your contact lists of anyone you don’t contact regularly… as they’ll be able to find you if they need you later?
edited by Parelle on 6/2/2016

[quote=Parelle]I’m feeling silly here, but correct me if I’m wrong: this list isn’t two ways, right? There’s nothing in this game preventing people from contacting you by name or profile (save for the few actions reserved for formal acquaintances). So why not clear your contact lists of anyone you don’t contact regularly… as they’ll be able to find you if they need you later?
edited by Parelle on 6/2/2016[/quote]
There’s nothing that stops you from cutting off regular contacts. Calling card contacts are a bit different because snubs harm making waves and can be quite harmful to someone actively grinding notability.

For me though, I’ve intentionally let my contacts list grow wild and out of hand. This is because having a huge contacts list is extremely advantageous when it comes to the PvP side of Fallen London such as SMEN, K&C, and tournament of lillies to name a few. As an example, as you rise through the ranks of the tournament of lilies, the number of available opponents becomes ever fewer. In general the upper ranks of the tournament are largely comprised of active players. So the more players you can check or have on your contacts list, the more likely you are to find a high rank ToL challenger when you get to those ranks. Similarly, inactive K&C friends who fell out of the game while in the iron league will generate a steady supply of prize tokens you can farm without worry of retaliation or of breaking any alt farm rules since these are other peoples legit and abandon accounts. In SMEN, there were social actions which were basically PvP and it helps to see your opponent before they even know you exist. Strike first or whatever haha.