Blemmigans are real!

BFW edit: fixed the link - the bullet point was breaking it.
edited by babelfishwars on 5/21/2014

adds to list of reasons never to swim in the sea

Dear God. It came all the way up here from the Neath! :-)

Does it have good penmanship skills though?

Like Uqbar of Tlön before it, the Neath is being written and imagined into our reality. Little bits an pieces to start… or its just a ,coincidentally, purple Medusozoa.
I really hope its not the latter.

[quote=Hammond ]Like Uqbar of Tlön before it, the Neath is being written and imagined into our reality. Little bits an pieces to start… or its just a ,coincidentally, purple Medusozoa.
I really hope its not the latter.[/quote]

We are already building the Wikia for FL which is comparable to the creative guys that made the encyclopedias for Uqbar. Perhaps we just need to introduce a little Correspondence to the world so that we can rewrite reality…

I decided I prefer sailing on top of the sea to swimming in it long ago, but learning about Glaucus Atlanticus, (Glaucus atlanticus - Wikipedia), also known as the blue sea slug, clinched it for me. On their own, they’re not venomous at all, and are also tiny and adorable-looking; but they’re also capable of just swimming right up to the incredibly venomous Portuguese Man-of-War and munching on its tentacles, then refining the venom to make it even more deadly.

Also, because one can never go to Wikipedia without clicking through at least a few links (although I generally manage to stop before arriving at the 72 Seals of Solomon having started at an article about cats), I just discovered that the Blanket Octopus likes to break off Man-of-War tentacles and wield them as tiny floppy marine swords.

Now, I haven’t gotten far enough in the game to see much of the Unterzee beyond panning for Glim on its shores, and I’m not part of the Sunless Sea beta… but I sincerely hope there are, or will be, creatures populating it that are as amusingly horrifying as these that IRL-Nature produces!

It does look spectacularly like a blemmigan but according to in-game text, blemmigans are actually fungi. I suppose they’re the tame versions of the Fungus-Columns that you hunt in the marshes.

[quote=Lashkar]I suppose they’re the tame versions of the Fungus-Columns that you hunt in the marshes.[/quote]Oh, apart from the Blemmigan Secretary I don’t think they are tame at all.