August Exceptional Story: Arcana

Try talking to him and then go back to the deck.

Can you discard any of those cards? At one point I had to discard to make progress, and it took me a while to figure out that was possible.

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Oh wow, do I feel silly, that was it. Thanks!

I thought this story was fun, much more evocative than many recent stories. Frankly, I didn’t really think much about whether to “save” the Sacristan; all I could thnk of is “another path to immortality! Go for it!”

One dangling thread from this story is, what spy has the Prester placed in London.

And I’m wondering if there’s A Reason this story was chosen to run right before the sixth coil opens.


If I remember correctly, we learn their identity in the ES entitled “The Rat-Catcher”