[quote=Estelle Knoht]Oh, right. There’s the little matter of not having to rely on other people for Newspaper interview, if you are the impatient sort.
Or if you are very invested, you may appreciate always having your personal Midnighter / Correspondent / Crooked-Cross on standby anytime you want.[/quote]
Yes, that, with 30 minutes to TtH and that one more level of Notability one’s trying to get… or a few scandal dupes when you’re trying to get that Tomb Lion, but I still prefer socializing with other people. Otherwise I start feeling like I’m… pupating. And I can do that without MMO environments. :)
And it’s also interesting to see how different characters socialize with different people. Like loitering. The character with strong Society connection vs. the Bohemian-aligned one.
And for the election I got to try all three professions and all three candidates, according to my characters’ preferences and foibles. Except I didn’t like Agitating at all and ended up switching that one anyway. But it’s in character, Rachelle’s an airhead… errr… quite easy-going, I meant.