An Invitation to a Curious Salon

Sian bows magnificently to his hostess. &quotNo copy, madame, but the thing itself.&quot He presents her with the ink-covered handkerchief.

Meanwhile Ondine, knowing her employer well and not without her own sense of humor, has filled a wineglass with stout tea. Sian raises it to his hostess and to Lady Sapho. Then, smiling (with just a bit of mischief), proposes a toast &quotto an excellent hostess, and a wonderful company&quot and drains the glass.

Surface tea. Thank God.

[OOC: We need to talk about an exit strategy. The down times between bursts of activity have been getting longer, and while it’s been remarkably fun, for that very reason I don’t want to see the story peter out by inaction. It deserves a good end.

Thought 1: Phiri makes some concluding statements, thanks everyone for coming, ushers us all out. if we want to make some individual remarks on the way out the door, we can.

Thought 2: We set a period (2-3 days?) in which everyone has a chance to take their leave of the company. At the end of that time, our hostess graciously sees any stragglers to the door.

This is of course assuming that we are ready for the salon to end. If we want to keep going, by all means forge ahead. Even in that case, however, it is worth thinking now about how and when we want this all to end.]

[OOC: A very reasonable suggestion. Every Salon needs to end at some time, so a next salon can take place. I for one are very interested in regular Salons of varying topics. I wasn’t very active in the last days becaus of the holidays and since English isn’t my first language, writing a somewhat smooth post takes a little time. So, in general, when this Salon eventually comes to an end, I would be very interested in doing this again.]

{OOC: With the holidays, delays were normal. I am fine with assuming that we went on like that till the morning, and then Phiri can give her PoV as she ushers the last guest out!)

[OOC: that sounds very reasonable, I’m sorry for my silence on this section, I’m quite terrible at poetry ^^; Let’s have Phiri usher us out!]

[ooc: I am fine with carrying on or wrapping up.]

(OOC: And here I was trying to come up with this all by myself and I found it’s been done for me! I can have Phiri give some ending remarks, as Siakan suggested, and if there is closings to be given by any other characters, then they can come after and let the salon close on its own.)

[OOC: This sounds good to me. Also, thank you for hosting.]

{OOC: Just make sure to inlude the 450 weasels in your closing remarks!}

Phiri pulls out her pocket-watch and gasps when she sees the time. &quotOh for–I deeply apologize, everyone, but I really must bring this to a conclusion. It’s been lovely, and I am delighted that you all showed up!&quot She stands, and pulls the Poet up with her, giving the Clay Corsair a pointed look. &quotOh, yes, um, it was interesting to hear all your poetry and I am grateful for your amicable company,&quot the Poet says, a mite flustered. Phiri glances to her watch again and begins to gather the half empty (and completely empty) bottles from around the room, offering those worth keeping to her guests. &quotI really do wish I could keep you longer, but I have an appointment with an associate of mine who is taking care of, ah, an inordinate number of weasels I have come into ownership of.&quot As she leaves to take the bottles to the pantry, the Poet gives a loud stage whisper. &quotShe’s lying. She’s had the weasels for at least five months. Four hundred and fifty of the d—ed things! And she refused to sell even one of them!&quot As she finishes, Phiri walks back into the room and gives a mock gasp, smacking the Poet’s unyielding shoulder as she chuckles.
She retrieves the guests’ coats and various belongings. &quotThank you again for coming. I do hope we may do this again soon!&quot
(OOC: This went over better than I ever thought it could! Thank you so much for participating, everyone!)
edited by Iona Dre’emt on 1/7/2019

Ondine took Phiri’s hand in hers, kissing her cheek in the French fashion. &quotThank you, darling. It was a wonderful salon. You will come visit me, now, won’t you?&quot

The Professor, meanwhile, was unobtrusively collecting empty glasses and plates.

Lady Byron drops a deep curtsy to Phiri and then to the poet. &quotMs Ulfur, thank you for a such a splendid evening! I do hope our paths will cross again and again! And,&quot she continues, turning to the Pirate Poet, &quotit has been an honor to meet you face to face, I look forward, as ever, to your next work. Fare you both well!&quot

Osborn stands up. &quotThis was thoroughly enjoyable Miss Phiri! I do hope you put on another similar meeting in the future. Maybe next time I’ll have some poetry prepared, although I bear no responsibility for bleeding ears that are sure to follow.&quot

Osborn opens the door and steps out. &quotThanks for having me,&quot he calls over his shoulder, &quotIt was a blast.&quot

August raises from his seat and looks around as most people are also getting ready to leave, he gives the men a handshake and the ladies a kiss on their hand to say his goodbyes. “Miss Ulfur, it was a delight to attend to your salon, hopefully you will organize another one in the future!” He proclaimed and looked at the Pirate-Poet “and miss Poet, it was a pleasure to hear your poetry, I do hope you succeed in helping more Clay, and in acquiring the rights Clay deserves.” He said before popping on his overcoat again and leaving into the Lacred night.

Mr Oathes laughs aloud and and fetches Mr Kitten from under the curtains.
&quotThank you very much, Ms Ulfur. I truly appreciate your sense of hospitality and culture. And I thank everyone for the good companionship. This Salon was deeply inspiring. Maybe I should incorporate some poetry into my research. In one form or another…&quot He implies a kiss on Ms Ulfurs hand, bows and turns around.

&quotI hope we will all meet again very soon! And, dear Poet, please don’t do anything to someone that you wouldn’t want to have done to yourself.&quot

After making his farewells to everyone, he stuffs the kitten under his coat and leaves. A few minutes later there is a loud ruckus as his rabid stallions drag the the carriage away from the lovely abode (and towards the sonic barrier). The screams fade away and only the sound of waves breaking at the shore remains.