Admiralty has disappeared???

Also everyhing in Frostfound and the Exaltation ambition, although hell if I know what’s going on there.

I personally like that the lore is deliberately opaque. I like having to piece things together on my own. That’s also why I enjoy things like Dark Souls’ story. If things were too explicitly spelt out in SS, it would detract something from the game.

That being said, game mechanics at least should be explicitly spelt out and there should be some (at least perfunctory) explanation of Supremacy and how it works. They could do a little pop-up the first time it changes for a faction in the game (for most people, when they give their Vital Intelligence to the Voracious Diplomat).

I’d also like to see actual changes at zee based on Supremacy levels…e.g., as the Dawn Machine’s Supremacy rises, Glorious Dreadnaughts suddenly start appearing more frequently and in new places…

Actually, I’m about to have some trouble with this when I purchase an Element of Dawn from the Grand Geode and they bump up to 8…it’ll probably be quite hard to make money in this game without Port Reports.
edited by Mukuro on 3/4/2015