A Proposal

I’m looking to propose a trade with A Person of Some Importance to obtain a handful of venom-rubies, in order to answer the Keen-Eyed Lapidary’s offer.

How many Venom Rubies do you need, and what are you offering in trade?

I need 5. I can offer Echoes, Rostygold, or second chances.
edited by Daisies on 5/27/2015
edited by Daisies on 5/27/2015

Consider the Crowd of Spite for jewels if you found trading difficult.

Thank you for the suggestion.

I need 5. I can offer Echoes, Rostygold, or second chances.
edited by Daisies on 5/27/2015
edited by Daisies on 5/27/2015[/quote]

Any of those would be fine. I know there’s a storylet that allows one to give three Rubies, Sapphires, and Flawed Diamonds to a specified recipient; not sure how we transfer the other stuff. I will name you the next time the card comes around for me.

The Gift card allows you to send second chances, Surprise Packages (for 10 Echoes), rats, or gems. The rostygold option pays to increase their Wounds. If you want an equitable trade I would suggest paying in rats; Second Chances vary in value depending on who you’re sending to, and Surprise Packages are almost never valued at the 10 Echoes they cost to send.