A Name Scrawled in Blood - today?

Presumably it is the same as the Posy of Flowers and the Journal - a free +4 item with no real effect.

Anyway, I picked no scar and nothing happened except I gained a +4 Dangerous weapon that consist of not having scars.

Well, i had all 7 tiers, so guess you just failed to qualify for that particular tier (ie have missed it).

Best regards,

You can miss tiers!? Rats. :(

Thank you for the information about the scars! :)

Marked with Cryptic Notes?

[quote=Zareen Bakara]Just saw the full list of options, from top to bottom. I would have considered replaying the lot, except that I purposefully skipped the entire Black Ribbon plot for roleplaying reasons (my character intends to return to the Surface one day and would not want to be the cause of someone else never being able to return), and it doesn’t seem possible to skip duelling in the new format.[/quote]As far as I remember you don’t actually have to kill anyone in the Black Ribbon story. Only in two places there’s even an option to permanently kill someone. All other cases don’t really end in death, despite the name of the storylet/option (though you might want to consult the wiki as to which ones).

Does one gets a special prize if he is able to choose the 7th tier of A Name Scrawled In Blood, such as one received an Airag and Bejeweled Lens in the Watchful and Persuasive changes? (Yea, I’m a greedy bastard)

That’s interesting! I just thought there’d be no point to my character ever joining the society, since she doesn’t intend to kill anyone and it seems to be about duelling not only to death (which she doesn’t consider a minor thing, even in the Neath), but to final death. So that letter from Feducci has just been sitting there, unanswered, for a fairly long time now.

I went straight to 7 and didn’t receive any such reward.
edited by Zareen Bakara on 9/22/2015

[quote=Zareen Bakara]That’s interesting! I just thought there’d be no point to my character ever joining the society, since she doesn’t intend to kill anyone and it seems to be about duelling not only to death (which she doesn’t consider a minor thing, even in the Neath), but to final death. So that letter from Feducci has just been sitting there, unanswered, for a fairly long time now.[/quote]From a nerrative perspective, the Black Ribbon society is really about dueling to the (real) death. But from a game mechanic perspective, the game doesn’t actually force you to kill anyone. Usually there is either a non lethal choice to make instead. And even when the storylet gives you an option to fight some character to the death, it often doesn’t really end in death (except for two exceptions).

It’s up to you if for RP reasons you’re OK with joining.

A name whispered in darkness?

Engraved in Invisible Marking
edited by Gonen on 9/24/2015