A List of Reader's Games

Yes. Yes!

I strongly recommend it, too. My all-time favourite story-driven game.

Moreover, recently it got a remake, Pathologic 2, and it’s downright gorgeous. Not a sequel, as the title may mislead, so you don’t have to play the original first – it’s all-sufficient on its own (though 2 of 3 separate storylines still are to be added).

The Painscreek Killings. A beautiful story of familial strife, class conflict, and murder, told through what was left behind in an abandoned town.

One game that I’ve got years of enjoyment out of is sryth. Its purely texted based and the developer (mostly one dude) uses time saved by cutting out beeps and polygons to make far more content.

Here’s a snippet of text that will be in the game

“Rimehaft? What’s to say about it?” Captain Hollbrin joins you at the rail and sweeps his arm to the north in a dismissive gesture as he replies to your query. “It’s a port, like most others. Odd in its own right, and dangerous enough for most. I’m always keen to see its harbour light at the end of the crossing, if that’s what you’re getting at. Dropping anchor at Rimehaft means we’ve made it – and I’ve got at least one more voyage left aboard this old hulk.”
The icy spray off the back of a tall wave spatters your face as you strain your eyes against the dim grey of the horizon, doing your best to ignore the endless expanse of wild ocean that surrounds the aged but venerable caravel.
“I rarely take on passengers, even those with tempting purses,” says the captain, squinting at something in the churning waters below and then shaking his head. “There’s no gold to be had in human cargo – not in the long run – just plenty of risk. The call for durekryn oil’s changed everything, of course. A cask of that oil’s more precious than gold, these days. I’ve never before seen the like. You, though, aren’t the sort I’d consider ‘cargo’. Offering you passage is worth a little added risk.”
Suddenly, the captain thrusts something into your midsection. You glance down and behold a battered wooden scroll case clutched in his gnarled hand.
“The Autumn Lark makes regular voyages to and from Rimehaft,” he says, fixing you with a stern gaze. “See to it this little piece finds its way into the hands of Lymnora Gralmith of Ravengate Hall and you’ll never have want of a ship wherever this old gal is moored.”
Link to the site here http://www.sryth.com/
Its running a Kickstarter that ends on Wednesday (26/2/2020)
Link Sryth - 2020 by Matthew H. Yarrows — Kickstarter
edited by Henry 0th on 2/20/2020

It’s already been mentioned, but I want to second 80 Days! It’s the game that led me to Fallen London. A choose-your-own survival game that’s heavily roleplay and dialogue based (somewhat like Sunless Seas). It also has immense replay value. Not to mention the art and music that are just so prettyyyy.
edited by Aiza Moor on 2/20/2020