A Legendary Charisma!...Now what?

So, I’ve ascended to where I wanted to be in terms of Persuasion. What’s there to use it on, now?

You can seduce Lilac at the Feast of the Exceptional Rose, as well as Slowcake’s Amanuensis. I think that’s it, but I’m not sure.

That and overcap your Persuasive on the unsigned message card using your notability.
edited by Wiwo on 4/1/2016
edited by Wiwo on 4/1/2016

Are there any opportunities that open up for any of the other three specializations like the seduction options for Legendary Charisma?

The extra Watchful from overcapping can be very helpful in achieving Courier’s Footprint.

There’s no actual action requirement for any of the other PoSI specializations that I can recall.

Quick question about advancing 200+ using notability.
I’ve had 1 notability, used it (there’s this card called an unsigned message) and advanced from 200 to 201 persuasive. Now in order to advance to 202 I need to spend another notability point or 2 points? Instructions aren’t clear exactly. I just want to be sure.

[quote=wziemniak]Quick question about advancing 200+ using notability.
I’ve had 1 notability, used it (there’s this card called an unsigned message) and advanced from 200 to 201 persuasive. Now in order to advance to 202 I need to spend another notability point or 2 points? Instructions aren’t clear exactly. I just want to be sure.[/quote]

The option sets your stat to 200 + current notability at the cost of all your notability. Having your stat higher than 200 when you use the option doesn’t change what value your stat gets set to. So you don’t need to advance the stat slowly. Just grind up as much notability as you can and cash it in all at once.

[quote=An Individual][quote=wziemniak]Quick question about advancing 200+ using notability.
I’ve had 1 notability, used it (there’s this card called an unsigned message) and advanced from 200 to 201 persuasive. Now in order to advance to 202 I need to spend another notability point or 2 points? Instructions aren’t clear exactly. I just want to be sure.[/quote]

The option sets your stat to 200 + current notability at the cost of all your notability. Having your stat higher than 200 when you use the option doesn’t change what value your stat gets set to. So you don’t need to advance the stat slowly. Just grind up as much notability as you can and cash it in all at once.[/quote]
Or grind up whatever amount you think is worth the hassle, if you’re going to be burning it in the nadir or whatever. it makes a nice sacrificial lamb- 2 points notability will keep that stat from being sent below 200 by irrigo.