Whitsun 2024

Fingers crossed that there’s some new content at least. Otherwise I honestly might just skip the event altogether this year…

(Barring the creation of a second alt to entice me, anyways.)

Which eggs do you think are most likely to be available this year without costing Ha’pennies?

Looking at the carousel over the previous four years, I’m assuming Pelagic Eggs to get another turn, coupled with either Scarlet or Percipient:

2020 - Aged & Scarlet
2021 - Aged & Percipient
2022 - Pelagic & Scarlet
2023 - Aged & Percipient


I believe, now that all four egg types have been introduced, that we’re officially settled into the pattern of alternating between Pelagic+Scarlet and Aged+Percipient


Prediction of a completely different kind: we will be able to get another level of Scar Under Skin.
If we get one each major event, we will get it to 7 when Christmas comes again. And 7 is the number.


I mean I was hoping we’d get an egg that gave either a Discordance or Cthonosophy Companion when triple-augmented.

It would fit with one of the Major Stat combinations that we haven’t had (Shadowy+Persuasive or Watchfull+Dangerous)

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I hope your right: I don’t particularly care for the ad bonus, but either watchful+dangerous or presusive+shadowy would be right up my alley.

I feel like Discordance is unlikely because of its, well, everything, but I’m wagering we’ll see at least one Cthonosophy item show up this year. Probably some Inerrant/Insubstantial ones, too, to round out the existing Neathproofed items.


“Whitsun this year features the complete cycle of Bellic Augmentations”

So, ah…do any of you mind telling me what that is?

I assume that means we’ll be able to turn Enlightened eggs into weapons this year. Last year, we could only turn Invigorated eggs into weapons.


Oh, seems nice!

(“do you really think friendships can transcend lifetimes?”)

Bellum, i, n: war, battle.



(Meow meow meow meow)

(dear gods. look what i’ve done to them, the poor fool. but, at the same time, it feels extremely wrong to spoil it…ah, well…just keep on going, little one…)

Hey, Whitsun’s on May 9th! Finally we’ve got an answer! Excited for it.

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Indid! 3 more days! 3 more days till my first Whitsun! Very excited!!



(Rule rule rule)

SO-at what hour does this start?

Come on now, you’ve been around for enough updates at this point to know this one :stuck_out_tongue:

Every update happens in the same general time frame. I don’t know your time zone (and please don’t doxx yourself to say!) but if you look at any other update in the past couple of months on here that’ll give you a general idea of when it’ll drop :>

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I think it is roughly 2-4 hours away :slight_smile:

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(Rule, rule, rule and rule)

Thank you boogiecookie!

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