The Season of Silver has finished and is now available for Fate. If you played Steeped in Honey, Lamentation Lock and Factory of Favours, you will have gained an item unique to each tale. You can trade in these items to unlock a short tale suffused with lore and adorned with an alluring reward.
This option opens today, and will remain permanently, so there is no need to trade in your items by any deadline.
The story can be found via The Season of Silver: An Urgent Cry[/color]
I wish I’d journaled all of the responses about each coin… I am not very good about remembering I have a journal.
I thought each story was really well written & I like the think they were all true in some fashion.
Other than that, this conclusion seems a little bit weak comparatively. The inference & the plot seemed odd but I am hoping with that knowledge in the game now that we get to hear more about the Numanatrix & the Great Game in regards to the coins. Especially since we have a running tally of coins & time that get us to the Namenatrix card. If that makes sense. Basically, I would just like more lore about the Numanatrix.
Did anyone journal all the answers? If so, let me know, I’d love to read them again.
[quote=Irym Ydell]I wish I’d journaled all of the responses about each coin… I am not very good about remembering I have a journal.
I thought each story was really well written & I like the think they were all true in some fashion.
Other than that, this conclusion seems a little bit weak comparatively. The inference & the plot seemed odd but I am hoping with that knowledge in the game now that we get to hear more about the Numanatrix & the Great Game in regards to the coins. Especially since we have a running tally of coins & time that get us to the Namenatrix card. If that makes sense. Basically, I would just like more lore about the Numanatrix.
Did anyone journal all the answers? If so, let me know, I’d love to read them again.[/quote]
I did. And it will also be obvious which ending I chose because I’ve finished the Season, and echoed the result. I am cathyr19335 in Fallen London, and there’s a link to my profile and thus my Journal in my signature block.
I am peeved beyond all reasonable thought that RIGHT AFTER an exceptional story where I would have, apparently, been willing to MURDER A FATHER OR HIS DAUGHTER out of a misguided sense of obligation to the other in defiance of my expressed approval for said daughter’s handiwork AND my peak human combat skills.
That I was apparently unwilling or unable to shank, silence, evade the outcry from or otherwise circumnavigate A SINGLE ORPHAN WHO STOLE MY PRECIOUS COINS. I had plans for those things, dammit. I wanted to extort the Numismatrix, cut a deal with the Masters, bribe the Fingerkings to delegate one into my service. I have THOUSANDS of reasons to slay a child and a large segment of the general public over these treasures, but instead I did nothing about it.
And the secret. THIS is the secret your opponent would try to trick you into forgetting? A child’s petty grudge against her mother, disguised as some grand delusion of civic pride?! I swear if this woman ever shows up in another ES, my top priority will be gutting her like a fish.
My understanding of certain bits of lore are foggy at best, is it possible to discern which bits of information provided are truths? Or is never truly knowing part of the “fun”?
I suppose I’m not disappointed, but only because I could read other’s journals. I’m entirely sure what the lies were he spoke.
It’s also important to add, I’m terribly impressed by Hattington’s tirade.
What could I do but follow the Rite? Got another Intriguer’s Compendium and no lore whatsoever. Tiny nightmare and suspicion reduction for this poor Midnighter.
It is possible I enjoyed this more because I’ve recently been in the Foreign Office rebuilding my item stocks after sending a bunch of Engraved Skulls.
I chose to honor my promises, and got an Intriguer’s Compendium. Not a terrible reward, but I felt let down by the lack of narrative.
[spoiler]That said, there was ample evidence the robed figure was a player in the game and that the Numismatrix is likely their mother (or possibly lover or sibling) - as evinced by their slip on the Locket question.
Perhaps the most interesting tidbit, though, was the response to a fourth query on the scored stone coin; no other question drew such a strong response to probing. Which indicates a personal attachment of some sort. Unfortunately, that still left me at a bit of a loss as to which answer wasn’t a lie.
I’m utterly at a loss to evaluate the truth about the Superbian Coin.[/spoiler]