Season of Adorations: Trade-in Item

[color=#cc0099]In the Season of Adorations, experience three stories that delve into love of all kinds from friendship to worship.

The Season of Adorations has finished and is now available for Fate. If you played The Pursuit of Moths, The Murgatroyd Formula, and The Rat-Catcher, you will have gained an item unique to each tale. You can trade in these items to unlock a lore-filled vignette adorned with an illicit reward.

This option opens today, and will remain permanently, so there is no need to trade in your items by any deadline.

The story can be found via The Season of Adorations: Finishing Her Shift. [/color]
edited by Absintheuse on 7/25/2018

In case anyone wants to know: you do lose the moth greatcoat and the dire appendage if you play this. Sad, but true. A very neat turn in with nice lore though!

That’s definitely not what I was expecting from this conclusion.

Talking about family gives an Elemental Secret.

I can say with absolute honesty that this was one of the coolest and cutest end of season trade-ins I’ve experienced, even if the loss of the greatcoat and appendage was sad (don’t think I 've forgotten about losing all those wonderful urchin companions at the end of The Chimneypot War, Failbetter!)

[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)][spoiler][/color][color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]I chose family in the end, because for Hotshot the revolutionaries and revolutionary allies he has gathered to the Cause are his family. And with the way the person he told it to responded…well, perhaps one day even one such as them might come to know and desire the coming Revolution.[/color][color=rgb(194, 194, 194)][/spoiler][/color]

Very cool lore tidbit. It’s nice to get some confirmation that the Bizarre is interested in forms of loves other then romance. I now feel better about my decision to follow “Secrets Framed in Gold” all the way to its conclusion.

The “Other Loves” option also gives an Elemental Secret.

I found that none of the possible actions really felt appropriate for my character, a mad scientist with strong Revolutionary sympathies. I went with &quotother loves&quot for my answer - that is, the all-consuming love of knowledge, knowledge not meant for human minds, pursued with a passion far beyond trifles such as &quotapplicability&quot or &quotethics&quot or &quotpreservation of life&quot - but there’s no way he would have wanted to assist the Bazaar’s heart. He’d either try to study it scientifically, or he’d withhold his stories to sabotage it, if only slightly.

Does anyone have info on what the other two options (Romance and Friendship) give? RP-wise I honestly have almost no preference so I’m just gonna go with whatever reward is most interesting.

EDIT: As my actions were piling up and I suspected all the rewards might be the same I went ahead and picked Friendship, and can confirm it does give the same thing.
edited by Dudebro Pyro on 7/26/2018

Ι think the reward is the same because story-wise, the mystery you gain comes from witnessing the Heart. Since it will quicken no matter the type of love story, the wonder you experience is the same.

Do I have to had played the three stories during their original period of availability to get the vignette?

No, as long as you complete all three stories you can get the Season Turn-In, regardless of whether you got them via Exception Friendship and didn’t play them for ages or whether you bought them from the Fate page.

Thank you.

Just in case anyone is wondering, the Romance option indeed gives an Elemental Secret, same as the others.

A wonderful trade-in, maybe the most engaging for me so far. Such a close encounter, and for my character most likely the first direct, personal contact with the entity as an individual being as opposed to a symbol of the Master’s oppression. Certainly makes me question if perhaps me and my revolutionary compatriots might not be pushing things tad too far after all…

This may just be me, but I find it tough to give up a unique item or items (like the Moth-Sewn Greatcoat) for a little extra story and a large valued, in-game item that is not unique. Granted, I could choose not to do the trade-in storylets, but then they’d hang around indefinitely.

This has always been a sore point for me, the Greatcoat being equippable just made it worse. Most of the time there isn’t even any reason whatsoever to give the items up - I think the Numismatrix’s coins were explicitly returned to the shady guy, but other than that in most season conclusions the items just magically vanish.

There are at least two season endings where you give them up one-by-one over the course of the story, I think Revolutions and Ruins. There was also a strong narrative connection in the Season of Wrecks, but that one has the strongest over-arching connection of any of the seasons. I thought Family Ties also explained the connection to the items better than most.

There are at least two season endings where you give them up one-by-one over the course of the story, I think Revolutions and Ruins. There was also a strong narrative connection in the Season of Wrecks, but that one has the strongest over-arching connection of any of the seasons. I thought Family Ties also explained the connection to the items better than most.[/quote]
A lot of the time you don’t actually need to give the items up, though. You’re right, I forgot about how Ruins did it (and wasn’t an EF for two thirds of Revolutions), but - while the details are hazy - I’m fairly certain it would be trivial to change both Wrecks and Ruins to let you keep the items.

Then again my memory isn’t amazing and it has been a good long while since I played these, so maybe I’m wrong and they were actually utilized properly and irreversibly. I do, however, remember thinking I’d keep my bullet from the Severe Bluejacket - and explicitly not taking the option to shoot it - only to have it magically vanish anyway.

Who could ever forget the dramatic and foreboding moment where you get some scary and important-sounding Essence at the end of Flint, only to eat it with some filthy dishrag in the very first seasonal trade-in?