June Exceptional Story: Five Minutes to Midday

Not at all. I still have every last CP of Connected: Hell and my Devilish gentleman caller is still interested in hitting me up.

Overall, I would say the story is highly disappointing. As mentioned above, it feels disconnected from the overall game and, what’s even worse, is plain not interesting. Right after hearing the plan, I already knew what would happen: [Insert Spoilers here], [More Spoilers over here, please] and we would go on our merry ways. The text in itself also did not provide any entertainment, as it contained no new lore(except, possibly, the quirks of demonic usage of fireplaces). The Beard-man’s (Can’t even remember how to call him on the very same day of playing this ES) story wasn’t half bad, but the tiniest amount of specificity on geographical location would be highly appreciated.
Admittedly, I haven’t played the Embassy in Repair content, but I doubt it would turn out to be anything particularly interesting either.
Overall, I would say that this ES deserves a 2/5, for at least having a semi-decent biographical story from the Beard-man.

I liked the topic - clear sense of urgency. I felt connected to the story and it felt important to me to accomplish my objective.

But then very disappointed by the ending. Player choice is directly contradicted. I wish I’d never played it. I would have been happier with no story this month.

I chose to alert the Embassy understanding that they would stop the bomb. I am not a fan of the devils at all. I just assumed they would be far more competent than the constables at preventing it. Every time I had a choice, I selected choices that said ‘prevent the bomb from going off.’ I assumed, okay, I am gathering information, I’ll keep going, but my entire goal here is to prevent the explosion. Like many players, I have people I care about who live at the Embassy. I would never set off a bomb there. But, then the bomb goes off. Really upsetting. At least let us throw ourselves on it and take a death and loss of stuff and stats to mitigate in some small way. That was just awful.

… But you can stop the bomb? I mean, I did it so I know it is possible.

Nope. Doesn’t reduce it in the slightest.

Apologies for wasting space; I missed Art’s message above when I posted this.
edited by cathyr19355 on 5/26/2016

It appears I was right in being paranoid and always choosing the option to potential betray the plot when possible.

I guess my character got lucky. She doesn’t like to commit herself entirely if it isn’t necessary and gives herself as many chances to back out of possible.

Did you go to Constables? That one choice may be necessary. I am not sure I picked alert Embassy, and prevent the bomb every time. Bomb went off. Though knowing there is a way to prevent, maybe you can PM me what you did. It would be worth it to me to pay and replay it if there is a way. Though I guess that is the worst way to encourage them to write so that choices have intended impact on outcome.

Sending a PM.

Yeah, honestly as my first completed Exceptional Story, I would have rather just spent the subscription money and bought Fleet Street or something of the sort. I can understand the reasoning for the way Hell acted somewhat, but it does still feel like there was no real purpose to my actions except saving a few buerecrats who would have taken the course of action they planned on anyways

I respect the responses of those who felt the story did not properly acknowledge their desire to have their characters halt the bombing. It must be frustrating to attempt to stop a pivotal event in a story with no satisfying story reason for the failure.

However, my tastes, and my character’s objectives, are very different. My main character (my alt will not be doing this one) wanted the bombing to proceed, particularly since it was to proceed in a way that would distribute information about the particular Hellish crime that led the Bomber to do it. So I personally found the story satisfying. In addition, I’d like to note that this is the first story that gives any tidbit of information about the fate of the permanently dead.
edited by cathyr19355 on 5/26/2016

I pretty meh on this story this month. . .

My character was trying to just bomb the deserted area to make a symbolic point rather then harm anyone. When I realized it would still cost lives, I stopped the bomb. He was angry at me, but at least he escaped. But I was frustrated that my choice of location didn’t seem to make a change in the outcome of the explosion.
Also, would’ve it be more effective to get a crew together to take out the brass triremes? Now that would be an adventure I could get behind. Maybe the Bishop would help with that. . .

Also, since I messed up on gaining his trust, can someone PM me on who tipped him off to see if my guess is right?

I am currently drinking with the Protester. I only have enough trust-quality to ask him the first question. Other than that - I can only go home and am unable to ask other questions (Why? Where? How?) as I have not enough trust.
Will I be able to ask those later, by gaining trust and returning to ask again?

EDIT: Sorry, it specifically reads there WILL be other opportunities.
edited by Gonen on 5/26/2016

I am currently drinking with the Protester. I only have enough trust-quality to ask him the first question. Other than that - I can only go home and am unable to ask other questions (Why? Where? How?) as I have not enough trust.
Will I be able to ask those later, by gaining trust and returning to ask again?[/quote]

If it’s the first time you drink with him, you will be able to ask him things again just before the end. If you already had a drink with him before and it’s almost mid-day, then it’s your last chance to ask.

If there’s a not too spoiler heavy way to do it, can anyone explain how the whole “embassy in repair” thing works? Can you still get lodgings at the embassy if you blow it up? No other devil related opportunities get closed off either? And is it worth getting quarters at the embassy before playing the story, for additional options or lore?

[quote=Professor Strix][quote=Gonen]Question:
I am currently drinking with the Protester. I only have enough trust-quality to ask him the first question. Other than that - I can only go home and am unable to ask other questions (Why? Where? How?) as I have not enough trust.
Will I be able to ask those later, by gaining trust and returning to ask again?[/quote]

If it’s the first time you drink with him, you will be able to ask him things again just before the end. If you already had a drink with him before and it’s almost mid-day, then it’s your last chance to ask.[/quote]

does that mean I won’t be able to ask him everything, or I just can’t nope out of the card at the end? because I want to know everything

If you build up enough trust, you can ask him everything.

Curiously, the options the first time you drink with him are duds. The two drinking storylets are different if you look carefully.

thanks! that’s a relief.

well, that’s interesting. my guess would be someone tickered with the options and forgot to change them it the first storylet.

Just remember that building his trust enough to learn everything means siding with him and taking the most expensive options in all interactions with him. I was hesitant in two instances and couldn’t read the last option (about the bomb) when drinking with him.

well, tbh, I do want to bomb the Embassy. sounds fun!
but I have already realised he’s a very expensive fellow