Fallen London's delicious words!

I could have sworn I saw a thread like this somewhere before, but I can’t find it, so I’m starting another one.

This is a thread in which to celebrate and enthuse over the delightful language in Fallen London! One of the things I love most about this world is that it often sends me searching for the meaning of a new word. Usually more than one or two a day. I LOVE learning them (even though I invariably forget them again in about an hour) and they are always such delicious, gnawable words.

Gnawable is a word, even though the spellcheck refuses to admit it. Amusingly, it also objects to &quotspellcheck&quot, but I digress.

New (or very, very old) words are exciting! I’m sure I can’t be the only one who enjoys stumbling across them. What new thing has delighted you today?

(I hate to include this, but I feel I must: Please, do not mock anyone for posting a new word you already knew the meaning of. Your disdain will not make you look clever. Rather, share in their delight! :heart:)

I’ll start

Today I was delighted by:
&quotsyncretic animism&quot (click them for definitions)

After I found the definitions, I spent a delightful hour or so following interesting related threads through wikipedia. I traveled through religions, and naming traditions, and ended up in the fairytale section. :heart:
edited by Inky Petrel on 12/18/2013

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Threnody. Esquivalience. Coruscate. Lagniappe. Ophidian.

So many delicious words. Such, dare I say, magnumient tomeration?

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[quote=Alexander Feld]Threnody. Esquivalience. Coruscate. Lagniappe. Ophidian.

So many delicious words. Such, dare I say, magnumient tomeration?[/quote]

And the best part is that most of these words are actual words, and not mere &quotfabularities&quot of the Masters:

In some ways the most interesting case is &quotesquivaliance&quot, which is a real-world fake word.

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That is absolutely wonderful :D rolls in the delicious wordplay as though it were autumn leaves

I’ve bookmarked this post, so you must now fill it with tigrine glory. MUST.

Even simple things: vitrified sheen
edited by babelfishwars on 12/20/2013

Ive found that im now using the words Nadir and Irrigo way to much. “Literate hooligan” is also high on my list.

The real words are okay, but Mr. Pages adorattractable vocabulocutions are some of my favorite parts of the game.

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The text for getting Mr.Pages as the &quotSnow remover&quot master is pure comedy gold. Sadly its apperently really rare.[li]

The text for getting Mr.Pages as the &quotSnow remover&quot master is pure comedy gold. Sadly its apperently really rare.[/quote]
It’s amazing. I just got it today. I actually hoped to get Mr Fires, as he is my favourite Master, but Pages is fine in this case. I don’t think I’ll ever learn how to pronounce &quotpurificaceous&quot, and I’m usually very good at pronouncing strange things.


Check Karaeirs profile then. :D Pages is quite awesome. He’s the somewhat cynical,neutral and generarly not dickish master.

The text for getting Mr.Pages as the &quotSnow remover&quot master is pure comedy gold. Sadly its apperently really rare.[/quote]
It’s amazing. I just got it today. I actually hoped to get Mr Fires, as he is my favourite Master, but Pages is fine in this case. I don’t think I’ll ever learn how to pronounce &quotpurificaceous&quot, and I’m usually very good at pronouncing strange things.[/quote]
…That is truly spectacular. Such a magnificent snarl of linguistic contortions. Mr Pages is truly the most fabuloquacious master.

And I think I know how to pronounce purificaceous. Try ‘purification’ mixed with ‘efficacious.’ Although etymological examination indicates that it means… resembling pure cheese.

Cryptophilology remains dear to my heart.[li]

Obstacudent. I’d love to acquire tomes of eldritch vocabulary within FL. Uncanny Incunabulums were the first top-tier items I processed, so they’re also precious to me. My One Brass Ring too, though its my presciousssssss for other reasons~[li]

I think my favourite is “Foul chiropterophage!”

Next time we’re asked for merchandising ideas - a quote of the day calender where every quote is from Mr. Pages.

Wish I’d thought of that earlier.

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Found another one that’s new to me: Lorgnette. I never knew the proper name for those :)
edited by Inky Petrel on 12/20/2013

Today I got &quotintemperate mountebankery&quot in the &quota disgraceful spectacle&quot card[li]
edited by OScarletO on 12/20/2013

Too lazy to find the original thread, but I’m the one who started it.
Also learned “coruscating” “palimpsest” and “oubliette” on top of the ones Alexander Feld already mentioned.

[quote=KatarinaNavane]Too lazy to find the original thread, but I’m the one who started it.
Also learned &quotcoruscating&quot &quotpalimpsest&quot and &quotoubliette&quot on top of the ones Alexander Feld already mentioned.[/quote]

Ah! I thought I’d seen one! :D I do hope you don’t mind me starting it again. :heart:

Cheers to both KatarinaNavane and InkyPetrel for starting these word threads.

My words: catafalque, marmoreal, whatever that word that means the outermost layer of a mushroom is, and everything having to do with Victorian transportation, like “sedan chair,” “hansom,” “phaeton.”