August Exceptional Story: The Calendar Code

[color=#cc0099]Most delicious friends, here is August’s Exceptional Story![/color]

[color=#cc0099]Infiltrate a private library at the behest of a mysterious buyer, and unravel the mechanism that protects its heart. Avoid the ministrations of Special Constables. The Calendar Code is a tale of romance, larceny, and seditious literature.[/color]
Play: An Exceptional Story: A Junior Reader to begin, available throughout London.[/color]
The Calendar Code
[/color][color=rgb(204, 0, 153)]is the final story in the Revolutions season, and was written by [/color]Gavin Inglis[color=rgb(204, 0, 153)].[/color]
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Editing and QA: Adam Myers, Olivia Wood, Chris Gardiner and Cash DeCuir.[/color]
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Art by [/color]Carly Trowbridge[color=rgb(204, 0, 153)].[/color]
[color=#cc0099]EXCEPTIONAL FRIENDSHIP[/color]
[color=#cc0099]In addition to a new, substantial, stand-alone story every month, Exceptional Friends enjoy:
[/color][ul][li][color=#cc0099]Access to the House of Chimes: an exclusive private member’s club on the Stolen River, packed with content[/color][/li][li][color=#cc0099]An expanded opportunity deck: of ten cards instead of six![/color][/li][li][color=#cc0099]A second candle: Twice the actions! 40 at once![/color][/li][/ul]
[color=rgb(204, 0, 153)]Finishing all three stories in the Season of Revolutions will make you eligible for an additional opportunity, to follow.[/color]
[color=rgb(204, 0, 153)]
If you want to keep an Exceptional Story beyond the month it’s for, you must complete the related storylet in the House of Chimes. This will save it for you to return to another time.[/color]

Just used up my last action for the day, about to shut down my computer and go to sleep, and then this pops up at the top. Oh well, I guess I’ll enjoy it tomorrow morning with some coffee. :^>

Mystery and intrigue and larceny, oh my. Looks like it’s gonna be a good one. Seditious books are the best kind of books. >:^)

Also, that art is rad af, man oh man, that’s gorgeous

I ran out of actions right now, but so far, this is is my favourite!Can-t wait to find out more from the translator!

…Well, that was fascinating.

A small but rather misleading typo shows up when you tell the cat you’ll consider the job:

Are both mentioned.

I’m guessing the first line is automated to say July because, well, it’s still July; but I’m guessing it should say August because this is August’s story.

I’m not an exceptional friend, but I had to say that the third option on the opening storylet is uhh…well, I’ll have to take it out of curiosity…

edit:God da___t I can’t do it! I have a heart and I use logic cries.
edited by The Master on 7/28/2016

[quote=Mazater]A small but rather misleading typo shows up when you tell the cat you’ll consider the job:

Are both mentioned.

I’m guessing the first line is automated to say July because, well, it’s still July; but I’m guessing it should say August because this is August’s story.[/quote]
Yeah,I noticed that, too. Not a big deal, I guess, but it sticks out a bit.

Well, I made my decision. It’s something almost violently against my nature, but… my loosely educated guess is that the alternatives were even worse. I might be wrong. No mention of any follow-up card, so I’m thinking I’ll have to take my decision as it stands.

Edit: Already regretting it. Think I got it wrong. Anyone who gets a follow-up with more explication, maybe point me toward your journal?
edited by Sir Frederick Tanah-Chook on 7/28/2016

I made my decision, too, for in-character reasons. I get the feeling that the the majority of the juicy stuff comes in the middle of this story.

Thoroughly enjoyed this, although I need more time to go over the text and see if I can put some things together.

What should I do about that child

Clock is ticking so slowly…I really regret spending those few actions earlier this day, instead of going into this with all forty

If I missed the first part of the season (stags), would buying that story with fate, playing that, and then completing thisone let me into the story let?

I believe so. The end of season cash-in won’t appear for a little while, though, and doesn’t ever disappear once you qualify for it, so there is no rush.

This is how it went for me in the previous season: I played the last two, then bought the first and the storylet appeared.


[quote=Sir Frederick Tanah-Chook]Well, I made my decision. It’s something almost violently against my nature, but… my loosely educated guess is that the alternatives were even worse. I might be wrong. No mention of any follow-up card, so I’m thinking I’ll have to take my decision as it stands.

Edit: Already regretting it. Think I got it wrong. Anyone who gets a follow-up with more explication, maybe point me toward your journal?
edited by Sir Frederick Tanah-Chook on 7/28/2016[/quote]
Come sidle over onto my main’s journal, I got a follow-up and it is interesting.

Welp. I gave it to the cat. Wasn’t expecting that response, tbqh.

Ah, fudge, I messed up. Oh well. In a few months I can reset it.

Edit: Forgive my terrible manners - thank you for sharing!
edited by Sir Frederick Tanah-Chook on 7/28/2016

Well, I chose the third option. Story was sad, and, in the sense, old as time. I have echoed whole conversation with translator, if someone is curious.

Haha, it’s always fun to RP Flesh-Stick going through a place he most definitely does NOT want to be in (in this case a “boring” old library). Though the idiot ended up having fun anyway, because he can find amusement in practically anything.

So this story was definitely fun and I really loved the whole mechanic of going through the library and unlocking its secrets. Good job, writers!